(Shows Gladiator and Aric Hart)
“Tonight is the night.”
(Shows Bryan Fury & KT Morris face-to-face)
“That these brave men and women…”
(Shows Laylena Morgan and Briana Hilton face-to-face)
“Engage in the most violent of wars.”
(Shows Hard Stone and Stephan Silverstone fiercely exchanging blows)
“This is the night that men and women will be rewarded…”
(Shows Stef Morrus winning the Intercontinental Title at Cyber Carnage
“…And punished…”
(Shows ArJay and JayTee beating up Lonewolf and Stef Morrus)
“This is the night that the evil will be punished for their
(Shows Donny Downfall and Rob Black teaming together to attack John
“This is the night where they get what‘s coming to them.”
(Shows Duke Thorn executing the Neckbuster on General Manager Kurt
“And this is the night…”
“(Shows the ECFW Championship Belt)
“…Where one warrior……finally QUITS.”
(Shows Aric Hart collapsing to the ground.)
The opening video/audio ends and we are now inside Madison Square Garden where pyros are shooting off everywhere
and the crowd is going crazy!
Owen Nelson: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the world’s
most famous arena! We have sold-out Madison Square Garden here in New York City with more than 25,000 fans right here live
tonight for the fourth annual June Jam extravaganza! Hello again everybody I’m Owen Nelson…
“Big” Ben Little: …And I’m “Big”
Ben Little, and what an explosive night we have in store for you.
Owen Nelson: Tonight, right here live from Madison Square
Garden, its Aric Hart/Gladiator II. Tonight the long-awaited rematch happens, it’s the “I Quit” Match for
the ECFW Championship. Its going to be brutal.
“Big” Ben Little: Without a doubt. But that’s
not all, because also right here live tonight at June Jam 2005 we’ve got Hard Stone taking on Stephan Silverstone!
Owen Nelson: Plus, The Coca Cola Boys defend their Tag Team
Championships against The Shocrew and Guilty by Association!
“Big” Ben Little: And that’s not all. The
United States Title is on the line in a Fatal Four-Way Match!
Owen Nelson: And also, two former friends but now bitter enemies,
Bryan Fury and KT Morris clash right here tonight in a Gangsta Street Fight from Madison Square Garden!
“Big” Ben Little: Plus, The Women’s Title
is on the line, and right now we have the Number One Contender’s Match!…
Laylena Morgan vs. Briana Hilton (Number One Contender’s
Sam Jenkans - This match is a Standard Match in which
the winner will be named the Number One Contender for the Women‘s Title at Buried Alive on July 16th in San
Francisco, California. On her way to the ring at this time, from Memphis, Tennessee, Laylena Morgan!!! (crowd cheers *****)
["Yankee Rose" by Teresa ]
Sam Jenkans - And her opponent, from New York City, New York, Briana Hilton!!! (crowd
boos ****)
[Briana Hilton walks to the ring. Bob Spano is the referee for this contest. (Ding, ding, ding) Laylena
Morgan hits a spinning leg lariat on Briana Hilton sending him to the mat. Laylena Morgan applies an arm wrench to Briana
Hilton. Briana Hilton moves back to her feet. Briana Hilton goes for a tiger driver but Laylena Morgan dodges the attack.
Briana Hilton drags Laylena Morgan to the floor. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Maybe Briana Hilton can get his hands on a weapon
at ringside.
[Bob Spano starts the count (.1) (..2) Laylena Morgan gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Briana Hilton
comes over and smashes Laylena Morgan's head into it. (...3) Briana Hilton punches Laylena Morgan in the head. ]
Nelson - Briana Hilton executes a punch.
[(....4) Briana Hilton executes a headlock takedown. Laylena Morgan climbs
to her feet. Briana Hilton tries for a bridging back suplex but is not strong enough to lift Laylena Morgan.(.....5) Briana
Hilton tries for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift Laylena Morgan.(......6) ]
"Big" Ben Little - Those idiots
better pay attention to Bob Spano!
[(.......7) Briana Hilton and Laylena Morgan move back into the ring. Briana Hilton
hits Laylena Morgan with the back of her elbow. Briana Hilton tries for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Laylena
Morgan. Briana Hilton executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Laylena Morgan. Briana Hilton covers Laylena Morgan hooking the leg.
Referee Bob Spano makes the count. ...1 ...2 Laylena Morgan kicks out. ]
Owen Nelson - He should have just stayed on
the attack.
[Laylena Morgan moves back to his feet. Laylena Morgan takes Briana Hilton down with a knee. ]
Ben Little - knee by Laylena Morgan.
[Laylena Morgan hits Briana Hilton with an elbow drop. Laylena Morgan climbs
to her feet. Laylena Morgan measures Briana Hilton up and drops a closed fist. Laylena Morgan moves back to her feet. Now
Briana Hilton standing. Briana Hilton gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Briana Hilton is up again. Laylena Morgan
punches Briana Hilton in the head. ]
Owen Nelson - A punch!
[Laylena Morgan rakes the face of Briana Hilton
in attempt to make a come back. Laylena Morgan grabs Briana Hilton's head and DDT's him on the mat. Laylena Morgan gets back
to her feet. Now Briana Hilton standing. Briana Hilton gets sent into the turnbuckle while Laylena Morgan hits her with a
splash. Indian death lock applied by Laylena Morgan. Referee Bob Spano is checking for a tap out. ... Briana Hilton tries
to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Briana Hilton escapes. Laylena Morgan executes a headlock takedown. Briana Hilton gets up. Briana
Hilton knifehand chops Laylena Morgan. Briana Hilton rakes the face of Laylena Morgan in attempt to make a come back. ]
Ben Little - Follows up with a face rake.
[Laylena Morgan executes a swinging bulldog on Briana Hilton driving Briana
Hilton's face into the mat. Briana Hilton tries for a belly-to-belly suplex but is not strong enough to lift Laylena Morgan.
Briana Hilton tries for a Spinebuster bomb but Laylena Morgan avoids it. ]
"Big" Ben Little - These guys are almost
as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?
Owen Nelson - Not in this life time.
[Briana Hilton hits a spinning leg
lariat on Laylena Morgan sending him to the mat. Laylena Morgan is up again. Laylena Morgan hits Briana Hilton with the back
of her elbow. Laylena Morgan gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Briana Hilton grabs Laylena Morgan and applies an arm
wrench. Laylena Morgan moves back to her feet. Briana Hilton executes the jumping sidekick on Laylena Morgan. Laylena Morgan
gets back to her feet. Briana Hilton springboard DDT's Laylena Morgan onto the mat! ]
"Big" Ben Little - Laylena Morgan
really felt that springboard DDT!
[Briana Hilton moves back to her feet. Indian death lock applied by Briana Hilton.
Referee Bob Spano is checking for a tap out. ... ... Laylena Morgan tries to escape. ... Laylena Morgan tries to escape. ...
Laylena Morgan escapes. Laylena Morgan tries for a stomachbreaker but is not strong enough to lift Briana Hilton. Laylena
Morgan leg lariats Briana Hilton, sending her to the mat. Laylena Morgan locks Briana Hilton in the knee bar. Bob Spano is
checking for a tap out. ... Laylena Morgan tightens the hold. ... Briana Hilton escapes. Briana Hilton gets thrown into the
Owen Nelson - Ouch.
[Laylena Morgan comes over and smashes Briana Hilton's head
into it. Laylena executes a suplex on Briana Hilton. Laylena Morgan pulls Briana Hilton up to her feet and Briana suddenly
kicks Morgan in her stomach and DDTs her to the mat! Briana Hilton covers Laylena Morgan…1...2...Laylena Morgan kicks
Crowd cheers
“Big” Ben Little: How did Laylena kick out of
[Laylena is frustrated and upset. She goes out to ringside
and grabs a steel chair. She brings it back into the ring with her.]
Owen Nelson: That steel chair is what started this whole thing
in the first place.
[In the ring, the referee is yelling at Briana to drop the
chair but Briana ignores him and holds the chair above her head to hit Laylena Morgan but Laylena kicks Briana in her gut,
causing Briana to drop the chair. Laylena Morgan then sets Hilton up for the Laylena Lightning but Briana reverses her into
a Back Body Drop onto the Chair!]
Crowd: Oohh!
“Big” Ben Little: Right onto that chair!
[Briana Hilton gets down and covers Laylena Morgan and yells
at the ref to count. The ref gets down and does so…1...2...3!]
Owen Nelson: The match is over.
Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner and thus the Number one Contender
for the ECFW Women’s Title at Buried Alive 2005, Briana Hilton!
Crowd boos
“Big” Ben Little: Briana Hilton is the winner!
Briana Hilton stands up to her feet with a smile on her face
and she gets her arm raised by the referee.
Owen Nelson: That chair has come in handy for Briana Hilton
here tonight.
Briana drops to her knees and raises her arms up (ala less
dramatic Kurt Angle) in victory.
“Big” Ben Little: The road to Briana Hilton’s
destiny has started, Owen.
Briana stands back up and puts one foot on the motionless
Laylena Morgan, who is out on her back on the chair, and she motionless her hands around her waist saying that she is the
next Champion.
Owen Nelson: At Buried Alive next month on pay-per-view, Briana
Hilton will challenge the Women’s Champion for the Title.
Backstage Segment
We are backstage and The Elite Icons have just arrived. They
are walking though the halls with their luggage. They turn the corner and almost bump into ECFW General Manager Kurt Evans.
Gladiator: Hey, move it sunshine.
Kurt Evans: I’m glad you boys are here. I was just coming
to meet up with you.
Mr. Jones: Yeah? Well what do you want?
Kurt Evans: Oh, nothing much. I just thought I’d let
you know something.
John O’Neil: And what’s that?
Kurt Evans: Well I know your guys’ little plans for
the night…
Mr. Jones: What are you talking about?
Kurt Evans: …I’m talking about how I know how
you all are planning to help each other out tonight, but I have decided that here tonight at June Jam there will be absolutely
NO interference from any of The Elite Icons!
The crowd can be heard cheering from inside the arena.
The four Icons are all upset.
Stephan Silverstone: You can’t do that, Evans!
Kurt Evans: Oh yes I can. Not one of you four will interfere
in each other’s matches here tonight.
Gladiator steps up in Kurt’s face.
Gladiator: And what are you going to do if we do, Kurt?
Kurt Evans: Well you guys saw how I ended Duke Thorn’s
career on Tuesday, let’s just say that if any of you interfere tonight, Duke’s career won’t be the only
one ending this week!
The crowd cheers again.
Gladiator: What?!
Kurt Evans: Good look tonight, boys.
Kurt turns around and leaves.
Stephan Silverstone: What ever happened to Nick anyway???…
Scene Fades.
Owen Nelson: Wow! Can you believe that? If any of The Elite
Icons interfere in any match tonight, they will be fired. I like that decision.
“Big” Ben Little: Its no fair! And neither is
how Candy Caine must defend her Title against three men in this next matchup…
Candy Caine vs. Kitten Charrington vs. Star vs. Lynn
Black (Fatal Four-Way Elimination Women’s Title Match)
Sam Jenkans - This match is a 4-Way Elimination Match
for the Women's Championship title. Coming to the ring first, from Boise, Idaho he holds the Women's Championship title belt,
Candy Caine!!! (crowd boos ******)
[Candy Caine comes to the ring. ]
Sam Jenkans - The second in this four
way match, from London, England, Kitten Charrington!!!
["Prerogative" by Brittney Spears ]
Sam Jenkans - Introducing
third, from Las Vegas, Nevada, Star!!!
[Star walks to the ring. ]
Sam Jenkans - And finally, from Shelby, Michigan,
Lynn Black!!! (crowd cheers *****)
[Lynn Black walks to the ring. Matthew Rice is the referee for this contest. Candy
Caine tests out the ropes. (Ding, ding, ding) They lockup. Lynn Black sends Candy Caine to the corner of the ring. ]
Nelson - weak move!
[Candy Caine pokes Lynn Black in the eyes. Lynn Black gives Candy Caine a reverse neckbreaker.
Now Lynn Black standing. Lynn Black grabs Candy Caine and applies an arm wrench. Candy Caine throws Lynn Black off the ropes,
rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. Candy Caine tries for a Piledriver but is not strong enough
to lift Star. Star gets locked in the painful STF. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... Star is fighting
the hold. Candy Caine breaks the hold. Now Lynn Black standing. Lynn Black hits Kitten Charrington with an elbow drop. Lynn
Black gets up. Lynn Black covers Kitten Charrington. Referee Matthew Rice makes the count. ...1 ...2 Kitten Charrington escapes.
"Big" Ben Little - Not even close!
[Now Kitten Charrington standing. Kitten Charrington chops Lynn Black.
Kitten Charrington gives Lynn Black a reverse neckbreaker. Lynn Black hits Kitten Charrington with an inverted atomic drop.
Lynn Black drags Kitten Charrington to the floor. Matthew Rice starts the count (.1) ]
Owen Nelson - What an outstanding
[Lynn Black executes a Piledriver on Kitten Charrington. (..2) Lynn Black hits a frog splash on Kitten Charrington.
Lynn Black gets up. Lynn Black executes a corkscrew legdrop on Kitten Charrington. Lynn Black gets up. Lynn Black takes Kitten
Charrington into the ring. Lynn Black applies an arm wrench to Kitten Charrington. Kitten Charrington gets back to her feet.
Kitten Charrington gets sent into the turnbuckle while Lynn Black hits her with a splash.]
“Big” Ben Little - A splash by Lynn Black.
[Kitten Charrington comes out of the corner and ducks an attempted
clothesline from Lynn Black and gives Black a clothesline of her own! On the other side of the ring, Star lifts Candy Caine
up into a body slam.]
Owen Nelson: Nice body slam by Star.
[Star pulls Candy Caine up to her feet and sets up for the
Sugar Me Sweet but Candy Caine pulls Star into the small package pin and grabs the middle rope for illegal, but unseen leverage….1...2...3!]
“Big” Ben Little: Whoa! That came out of nowhere!
Crowd reaction is mixed.
Owen Nelson: Star is gone and its down to three.
[Star is up and furious. She knocks down Candy Caine with
a clothesline. Star pulls Candy up and gives her the SUGAR ME SWEET! Star then leaves the ring.]
“Big” Ben Little: Star gets some revenge before
[On the other side of the ring, Lynn Black dropkicks Kitten
Charrington. Kitten is back up and Lynn knees her in her gut and sets her up for the Darkness Falls but Kitten Charrington
reverses Black into a backbody drop! Lynn Black climbs back up to her feet and, holding her back in pain, and she goes for
the Cat Scratch Fever but Lynn escapes and shoves Kitten into the corner. Lynn goes over and sets Kitten onto the top turnbuckle
and then climbs up herself.]
Owen Nelson: What is on Lynn Black’s mind here???…
[On the top rope, Lynn Black has Kitten Charrington up and
she gives her the SUPERPLEX OFF THE TOP ROPE!!!
Crowd: Ooohhh!
“Big” Ben Little: A thunderous Superplex! And
all three divas are down and out.
[A few moments later, Candy Caine crawls over and drop down
on top of Lynn Black…1...2...3]
Owen Nelson: Kitten’s gone.
Crowd boos
[The referee helps Lynn Black out of the ring.]
“Big” Ben Little: What a heartbreaker for Lynn
[A few moments later, Candy Caine is back up to her feet.
She pulls Kitten Charrington up to her feet and kicks her in her stomach and sets her up for the Kiss of Death but Kitten
escapes and goes for the Cat Scratch Fever but Caine counters it into a back suplex! Candy Caine covers Kitten Charrington…1...2...Kitten
gets her shoulder up!
Owen Nelson: That was a close one.
[Candy Caine pounds her fist on the mat in frustration. She
stands to her feet and pulls Kitten up and whips her into the ropes. Kitten bounces back and ducks an attempted clothesline
from Candy Caine and hit’s a German Suplex from behind Caine! Kitten covers Candy…1...2...Candy kicks out!]
“Big” Ben Little: Another close one.
[Both divas move up to their feet and they exchange blows.
Candy Caine gets the upperhand and she sets Kitten up for a vertical suplex but Kitten comes around and lands on her feet
behind Candy and she grabs Candy‘s head from behind and gives her the CAT SCRATCH FEVER!]
Owen Nelson: There it is! The Cat Scratch Fever! Cover her,
[Kitten Charrington pins Candy Caine…1...2...3]
“Big” Ben Little: New Champion!
Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner and NEW ECFW Women’s
Champion, Kitten Charrington!
Crowd cheers
Kitten sits up with joy on her face as she is handed the Women’s
She holds it up to her face.
Owen Nelson: it’s a dream come true for Kitten Charrington
as she wins her first ECFW Women’s Championship in a great match here at June Jam 2005, congratulations, Kitten.
Kitten stands up to her feet and gets her arm raised by the
referee as she holds up her newly won Title Belt in her other hand and the crowd applauds.
“Big” Ben Little: And now we know that at Buried
Alive on July 16th on pay-per-view, it will be Kitten Charrington verses Briana Hilton for the Women’s Title.
Kitten stands up on the turnbuckles and holds her Belt up
high above her head,
Owen Nelson: In our first Title Match we had a Title change…how
will the rest of the night turn out???…
Backstage Segment
We see Aric Hart, Kelly Gorgeous Hart, and Kyve Hart all backstage
in Aric Hart’s locker room.
Kyve is watching the show and Kelly is watching her husband
pace around the room.
Kelly Gorgeous Hart: Aric, c’mon. What are you so worked
up about?
Aric Hart (pacing): I’m not worked up because I am nervous,
I am worked up because I can’t wait! I can’t wait to get Gladiator in that ring tonight, and kick his @$$!
Kelly Gorgeous: And I can’t wait to see it in-person.
Aric stops pacing and looks at his wife.
Kelly Gorgeous: What?
Aric Hart: There is no way you are coming out there with me
Kelly Gorgeous: What? Why?!
Aric Hart: I am not putting my wife in danger. Gladiator’s
attacked you before, and I am not letting him do it again. You are absolutely NOT coming down to that ring tonight, not a
Kyve Hart looks up from the TV.
Kyve Hart: Aric, did you hear that none of The Elite Icons
can interfere tonight?
Aric Hart: Yes I heard, Kyve, but that doesn’t matter.
Tonight, any way I have to, Gladiator’s @$$ is mine! And I WILL make him say, “I QUIT!”
The crowd cheers from inside the arena as Aric leaves the
locker room.
Kelly looks at her brother-in-law Kyve.
Kelly Gorgeous: You think he’ll be okay?
Kyve Hart: He’ll be fine. After all, he is a Hart.
Scene Fades.
Owen Nelson: Aric Hart is not taking any chances tonight.
The Caine Brothers vs. The Brothers Duma
Sam Jenkans - This match is a Standard Match tag match.
On there way to the ring at this time, The Caine Brothers!!!
[The Caine Brothers come to the ring. ]
Sam Jenkans
- and their opponents, the team of The Brothers Duma.
[The Brothers Duma walk to the ring. Nathan Greenland is the
referee for this match. Marko Caine checks his boots. Christopher Duma executes a pump handle suplex on Marko Caine. (the
bell rings) Marko Caine clotheslines Christopher Duma. ]
Owen Nelson - Christopher Duma takes a weak move.
Duma makes the tag to Mark Duma. Mark Duma is back on his feet. Mark Duma executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Marko Caine. Marko
Caine gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Mark Duma brings in Christopher Duma for The Brothers Duma. Marko Caine punches
Christopher Duma repeatedly. Marko Caine makes the tag to Danny Caine. Danny Caine suplexes Christopher Duma. ]
Ben Little - Christopher Duma is being double teamed! I LOVE it!!
[Danny Caine is up again. Danny Caine bites Christopher
Duma's arm out of desperation. Christopher Duma makes the tag to Mark Duma. Danny Caine pokes Mark Duma in the eye with his
thumb. Mark Duma punches Danny Caine in the head. Danny Caine makes the tag to Marko Caine. Danny Caine body slams Mark Duma.
Owen Nelson - This is just awful! Mark Duma is being double teamed!
[Danny Caine tries for a belly-to-back
suplex but is unable to lift Mark Duma. Mark Duma rakes the face of Danny Caine in attempt to make a come back. ]
Ben Little - Follows up with a face rake.
[Mark Duma tags Christopher Duma. Marko Caine mule kicks Christopher Duma.
Marko Caine tries for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Christopher Duma. Christopher Duma uses a running lariat
to take Marko Caine down. Christopher Duma executes the sleeper hold on Marko Caine. Nathan Greenland asks Marko Caine if
he quits. ... ... ... ... Marko Caine is fighting the hold. Marko Caine escapes. ]
Owen Nelson - We almost had a winner.
"Big" Ben Little - Marko Caine is getting the crap kicked out of him!
[Marko Caine tags in Danny Caine. Christopher
Duma hits Danny Caine with the back of his elbow. ]
Owen Nelson - back elbow!
[Christopher Duma takes a slap
to the face from Danny Caine. Now Danny Caine standing. Mark Duma tagged in by Christopher Duma. Mark Duma knifehand chops
Danny Caine. Danny Caine tags in Marko Caine. Danny Caine executes the jumping sidekick on Mark Duma. Marko Caine sets Mark
Duma up DDTs him into the mat. Danny Caine hits Mark Duma with the belly-to-belly suplex. ]
"Big" Ben Little - That's
it cheat!! It's the only way to win!
[Danny Caine gets hit with a dragon screw from Mark Duma. ]
Owen Nelson
- Mark Duma executes a dragon screw.
[Mark Duma moves back to his feet. Mark Duma makes the tag to Christopher Duma.
They lockup. Marko Caine sends Christopher Duma to the corner of the ring. Marko Caine tags Danny Caine. Danny Caine hits
Christopher Duma with a slingshot bodyblock. Now Danny Caine standing. Danny Caine makes the tag to Marko Caine. Christopher
Duma punches Marko Caine repeatedly. ]
"Big" Ben Little - A weak move by Christopher Duma.
[Christopher Duma
executes a jawbreaker on Marko Caine. Christopher Duma climbs to his feet. Marko Caine brings in Danny Caine for The Caine
Brothers. Christopher Duma spinning mule kicks Danny Caine. Danny Caine brings in Marko Caine for The Caine Brothers. Christopher
Duma fist drops Marko Caine on the mat. ]
Owen Nelson - Christopher Duma executes a fist drop.
Duma gets back to his feet. Marko Caine makes the tag to Danny Caine. Christopher Duma uses a snap mare takeover on Danny
Caine. Christopher Duma tags Mark Duma. Mark Duma runs in and leg drops Danny Caine. Mark Duma tags Christopher Duma. Danny
Caine clotheslines Christopher Duma. ]
"Big" Ben Little - A weak move by Danny Caine.
[Danny Caine bounces
Christopher Duma off the ropes and clotheslines him. Christopher Duma is up again. Christopher Duma tags in Mark Duma. Mark
Duma executes a headlock takedown. Mark Duma nails Danny Caine with a belly-to-back suplex. Mark Duma climbs to his feet.
Mark Duma rolls onto Danny Caine connecting with a knee. Mark Duma brings in Christopher Duma for The Brothers Duma. Danny
Caine tries for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Christopher Duma. Danny Caine gets up. Danny Caine drags Christopher
Duma to the floor. Nathan Greenland starts the count (.1) Danny Caine tries for a belly-to-belly Superplex but is not strong
enough to lift Christopher Duma. Danny Caine takes Christopher Duma into the ring. Christopher Duma picks up Danny Caine and
hits him with a Back Suplex. Christopher Duma moves back to his feet. Christopher Duma drags Danny Caine to the floor. Nathan
Greenland starts the count (.1) Christopher Duma with a falling splash on Danny Caine. Christopher Duma takes Danny Caine
into the ring. ]
"Big" Ben Little - The ECFW is the only place to find matches like this!
[Christopher Duma
brings in Mark Duma for The Brothers Duma. Danny Caine clotheslines Mark Duma. Danny Caine tags in Marko Caine. Danny Caine
does a handspring and hits Mark Duma with a bodyblock, what a move! Danny Caine jabs Mark Duma. Marko Caine suplexes Mark
Duma. ]
Owen Nelson - Mark Duma is being double teamed!
[Mark Duma measures Marko Caine up and drops a closed
fist. ]
"Big" Ben Little - fist drop!
[Mark Duma brings in Christopher Duma for The Brothers Duma. Marko Caine
gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Christopher Duma. ]
Owen Nelson - Diving elbow smash!
Duma is up again. Christopher Duma knees Marko Caine and rolls back to his feet. Now Marko Caine standing. Marko Caine brings
in Danny Caine for The Caine Brothers. Danny Caine grabs Christopher Duma's leg and takes him down. Christopher Duma climbs
to his feet. Christopher Duma brings in Mark Duma for The Brothers Duma. Mark Duma hits Danny Caine with the belly-to-belly
suplex. Danny Caine is nailed with a waistlock suplex from Christopher Duma. ]
"Big" Ben Little - That's strategy right
there! Double Team Danny Caine.
[Danny Caine kicks Christopher Duma in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor
kicks him to the mat. Danny Caine tries for a Piledriver but is unable to lift Christopher Duma. Danny Caine hits Christopher
Duma with an elbow drop. Danny Caine stomps Christopher Duma.]
Owen Nelson: Danny Caine with some rough kicks to Christopher
[Danny Caine pulls Chris Duma up and Irish whips him into
the ring ropes. Christopher Duma bounces back into a droptoe hold from Danny Caine. Danny rolls Duma over onto his back and
drops an elbow into his chest, and the covers him…1...2...Christopher Duma kicks out!]
“Big” Ben Little: The Brothers Duma want to make
their ECFW pay-per-view debut a success.
[Both men climb up to their feet and Danny Caine ducks an
attempted clothesline from Christopher Duma and goes for the Flash Back but Christopher Duma catches Danny in mid-air and
Powerslams him to the canvas!]
Crowd: Oohh!
Owen Nelson: What a Powerslam counter by Christopher Duma.
[Christopher Duma pulls Danny Caine up to his feet and bounces
himself off the ropes and comes back in hopes of the Final Word (Big Boot) but Danny Caine ducks and runs to the other side
of the ropes, bounces off, and comes back with the FLASH BACK on Christopher Duma!]
Crowd cheers
“Big” Ben Little: The Flash Back by Danny Caine!
[Danny Caine covers Christopher Duma…1...2...Mark Duma
breaks up the count!]
Owen Nelson: Oh, Mark Duma saves the match just in time for
his brother.
[Marko Caine enters the ring and knocks down Mark Duma with
a dropkick to the face. Mark Duma gets back up and Marko kicks him in his stomach and DDTs him to the mat! Marko gets up and
climbs up to the top turnbuckle. At the top turnbuckle, he signals to the crowd and then jumps off with the SANTA CARLA SPLASH
on Mark Duma!]
“Big” Ben Little: The Santa Carla Splash by Marko
[Marko stands up to his feet and is immediately taken out
Crowd: OH!
Owen Nelson: Man what a kick to the face by the resilient
Christopher Duma.
[Christopher Duma is suddenly rolled up from behind into a
schoolboy pin by Danny Caine!…1...2...Christopher Duma kicks out!]
“Big” Ben Little: Oh, man-that was close.
[Both men move up to their feet and Danny Caine runs at Christopher
Duma to attack but Christopher goes for The Final Word but Danny Caine ducks and turns around and goes for the Flash Back
on Christopher but Christopher catches Danny in mid-air with a punch to below the belt!]
Crowd: Oohh!
Owen Nelson: Oh! A low blow in mid-air that the referee did
not catch.
[Danny Caine is down on the mat clutching his groin in pain.
Christopher Duma pulls him up to his feet and bounces himself off the ropes and comes back with THE FINAL WORD on Danny Caine!
Christopher Duma covers Danny Caine…1...2...3!]
“Big” Ben Little: The Dumas are victorious.
Sam Jenkans: Here are your winners, The Brothers Duma!
Crowd boos
Christopher Duma climbs up to his feet and gets his arm raised
by the referee.
Christopher helps his brother Mark up as well and the two
raise each other’s arms in victory.
Owen Nelson: I think The Brothers Duma can thank that illegal
low blow for this win. Or else this match could have ended a lot differently.
Mark and Christopher look down at the fallen and cheated Caine
Brothers and laugh.
They look up and raise their arms again.
“Big” Ben Little: The Brothers Duma win their
ECFW pay-per-view debut.
Interviewer John Davis is standing by backstage with Big Blue
John Davis: I am backstage now with the man that in just a
matter of moments will challenge for his second ECFW United States Title, the man who defeated Duke Thorn four days ago in
the First Blood Match to get to tonight, Big Blue Devil. BBD, what could be going through your mind right now knowing that
up next you get into the ring with three of the finest ECFW competitors.
Big Blue Devil: I’ll tell you exactly what is going
through my head, John…pain. Torcher. Agony. I am going to punish all three men here tonight, I’ll do whatever
it takes and enjoy doing it on my way to my second United States Championship, and the Big Blue Devil era will officially
begin. Its time to get serious again, I already ended Duke Thorn’s career, tonight I’ll end three if I have to.
Whatever it takes, I’ll do it.
John Davis: Do you see any of your three opponents as being
a threat out there tonight?
Big Blue Devil: I won’t lie to you, John, these three
guys are good wrestlers…but not good enough. I am better than all three and I will show that tonight when I beat the
crap out of all of them and take back what is rightfully mine and that is the U.S. Title. I don’t care if its Rob Black,
John O’Neil, or my former friend Donny Downfall, tonight will be the end of them and the beginning of Big Blue Devil.
BBD walks off, determined and focused.
Scene Fades.
Owen Nelson: The Fatal Four-Way United States Championship Match, featuring Big Blue Devil, is up next.
Fatal-4-Way: United States Championship
All four competitors come to the ring.
Each of them is standing in a corner eyeing one another.
Big Blue Devil starts off first immediately targeting the
champ. Both he and Rob Black are exchanging lefts and rights until Big Blue Devil get the upper hand. He pushes Rob Black
against the ropes and clotheslines him over. Big Blue Devil turns around only to have himself clotheslined over by John O’Neil.
John O’Neil then turns around to Donny Downfall who kicks him in the stomach and immediately hits him with the DOWNFALLOUT!
Donny goes for the cover
1…2…Big Blue Devil hops back in the ring and breaks
the count.
Big Blue Devil starts stomping away at Donny Downfall. He
lifts him up for a huge body slam and then drops a massive elbow. Big Blue Devil then goes for a Boston Crab, but before he
can ever get it locked in Rob Black nails Big Blue Devil in the back of the head with a vicious kick. Rob Black lifts Big
Blue Devil off of the ground and pushes him into the corner where he begins to chop the hell out of Big Blue Devil. Rob Black
whips Big Blue Devil into the opposite corner he starts to go for a running clothesline but Donny Downfall is recovering and
grabs Rob Black before he can get there and executes a huge Powerslam. Donny Downfall then heads over to Big Blue Devil but
BBD flies out of the corner with a big boot. Big Blue Devil grabs both Rob Black and Donny Downfall, knocks their heads together
and then sends both of them over the ropes to the out side. John O’Neil starts to slowly make it to his feet. Big Blue
Devil kicks John O’Neil in the gut and…FINAL JUDGEMENT!!!
1…2… Donny Downfall grabs the ref’s leg
and yanks him to the outside.
Donny Downfall then heads back into the ring where he attempts
a double axe handle, but gets kicked in the stomach and…FINAL JUDGEMENT!!! Donny Downfall gets nailed by Big Blue Devil’s
1…2...Rob Black grabs the ref’s leg this time
to break up the count.
Big Blue Devil looks aggravated. With his huge size he reaches
down and grabs Rob Black by the hair and pulls him up to the apron. Big Blue Devil then runs Rob Black head first into the
ring post. Big Blue Devil then turns around and gets a big dropkick to the chest courtesy of Donny Downfall. Big Blue Devil
slumps in the corner as Donny Downfall delivers some vicious kicks. Donny Downfall then attempts to whip Big Blue Devil to
the opposite corner, but it is reversed and he is whipped hard. Donny Downfall stumbles out of the corner and Big Blue Devil
hits him with a beautiful Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Big Blue Devil then lifts Donny Downfall up slowly and then sets him up for
a Powerbomb. Big Blue Devil stalls to add affect, but he stalls too long and a bloody Rob Black comes running hard with an
incredible spear. BBD and Donny Downfall both collide onto the mat. Rob Black then lifts Donny Downfall up and executes an
END OF DAYZ! Rob Black then grabs Big Blue Devil and…END OF DAYZ! Rob Black struts about the ring. Rob Black then looks
over and sees John O’Neil trying to pull himself up using the ropes. Rob Black walks over, grabs John O’Neil by
the hair, turns him around, and…END OF DAYZ! Rob Black stomps around the ring getting the crowd into frenzy. The ref
goes to Rob Black and tries to check his wound on his forehead, but in the heat of the moment and with the blood in his eyes
Rob Black doesn’t notice it’s the ref and nails the ref with the END OF DAYZ!
Rob Black covers the ref. When Rob Black hears not count he
wipes the blood from his eyes and sees who he is pinning. Rob Black tries to the revive the ref, but suddenly from behind
a recovered Donny Downfall grabs Rob Black, kicks him the gut and gives him a sweet DOWNFALLOUT! Donny Downfall then locks
in the DOWNFALL EXECUTION! Rob Black is screaming in pain. Rob Black is tapping! Rob Black is tapping out, but the ref is
still unconscious. Donny tightens the submission on Rob Black as he continues to tap. Donny lets go of the hold as he tries
to revive the ref. Big Blue Devil stands up slowly. Donny Downfall sees him and starts to give him a series of punches and
kicks to keep him down. Big Blue Devil starts to fight back and both men are exchanging blows.
Big Blue Devil gets the upper hand and kicks Donny Downfall
in the gut and Powerbombs him! Big Blue Devil goes for the pin but the ref is still out. Big Blue Devil goes to the outside
and grabs a chair; he climbs onto the apron, holding the chair up. Rob Black from out of nowhere gets a running start and
dropkicks the chair right into the face of Big Blue Devil. Big Blue Devil crashes onto the floor. Donny Downfall stands up.
Rob Black and Donny Downfall begin to stare each other down. Then they both simultaneously look over and see some movement
from John O’Neil. They then look back at each other, smirk and then go over to John O’Neil. They both pick him
up on their shoulders and then send him flying headfirst out of the ring to the floor. They then look back at each other until
Donny reaches back and starts punching away at Rob Black.
Rob Black gets the upperhand and he knees Downfall in his
gut and gives him the FADE TO BLACK! John O’Neil is back in the ring and he knocks down Rob Black from behind. He starts
stomping on Black and then pulls him up to his feet and sets him up for the Mind Shatterer, but Rob reverses O’Neil
into a backbody drop! O’Neil climbs back up to his feet and is caught in the END OF DAYZ BY ROB BLACK!!! Rob gets down
and pins John O’Neil as another referee runs down to the ring to count the fall. He slides in and immediately counts
the pin…1...2...3
Owen Nelson: Its over!
Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner and STILL your ECFW United
States Champion, Rob Black!
Crowd reaction is mixed, mostly cheers.
“Big” Ben Little: What a exciting matchup full
of finishers. Rob Black was dominant toward the end, dishing out a total of five End of Dayz and one Fade to Black, he retains
the United States Title.
Rob stands to his feet and wipes the blood from his face.
The new referee hands Black his Gold Belt and he raises it
above his head.
Owen Nelson: Some people didn’t think he could do it,
but right here tonight in the World’s Most Famous Arena, Rob Black has proved his critics wrong with a dominating and
impressive title defense.
Rob climbs up onto the middle rope and holds his Belt high
above his head.
“Big” Ben Little: Congratulations to the ECFW
United States Champion as he starts month two of his Title reign…Rob Black.
Backstage Segment
We see Bryan Fury roaming the halls backstage when he turns
the corner and comes to the General Manager’s office door.
Bryan smiles and straightens himself up before knocking.
Kurt Evans (from inside the room): Yeah, yea-come in.
Bryan opens the door and walks in.
Kurt looks up from his papers at his desk and stands up.
Kurt Evans: Bryan Fury, what can I do you for.
Bryan Fury: No, Kurt, no-its not what you can do for me, its
what I can do for you.
Kurt Evans: Uh okay. And what exactly is that, Bryan?
Bryan Fury: Ratings, Kurt, ratings.
Kurt Evans: Ratings, huh? We got a lot of those.
Bryan Fury: How about some more.
Kurt Evans: I’m listening.
Bryan Fury: If you want to really put the people in the arenas,
give them what they want. And what they want is Bryan Fury as their Intercontinental Champion.
Crowd can be heard booing from inside the arena.
Kurt Evans: Certainly seems like they want it…
Bryan Fury: well we’re in New York, Kurt, you can’t
take advice from these people. But what I am suggesting is that you watch me destroy KT Morris later tonight in his own match,
and let me show you that I deserve a shot at the Intercontinental Championship.
Kurt Evans: I’ll tell you what, Bryan, I will be watching
that match later on, and I’ll see what you can do.
Bryan Fury: Great! Don’t miss it, but I have another
idea….this Tuesday on terror, why don’t the current Intercontinental Champion Stef Morrus be the special guest
on The Bryan Fury Show! You know, to see what he thinks about Bryan Fury being the next Intercontinental Champion, and rightfully
Kurt Evans: Ya know what, Bryan, that is fine with me. You
can have Stef as your guest on Tuesday, but for now, why don’t you just go get ready for your match tonight.
Bryan Fury: Of sure. But make you sure watch tonight, you’re
going to like what you see.
Kurt Evans: I’m sure I will.
Bryan turns around and steps out the doorway.
As Kurt sits back down at his desk, Bryan Fury sticks his
head back in…
Bryan Fury: Don’t miss it, Kurt!
Kurt Evans (annoyed): Don’t worry, Bryan.
Bryan smiles and then leaves for good.
Kurt sighs and rolls his eyes as the
Scene Fades.
“Big” Ben Little: Well Bryan Fury could be next
in line for an Intercontinental Title shot…maybe.
Owen Nelson: That’s a maybe, but I’ll give you
a positive. This Tuesday on Terror “Mr. Shotime” Stef Morrus, the current Intercontinental Champ, will be the
special guest on The Bran Fury Show.
“Big” Ben Little: And speaking of Stef Morrus,
he is in action…next!
Triple Threat Tag Team Championship
Coca Cola Boys vs. Guilty by Association vs. The Shocrew
The Shocrew, comprised of former ECFW Heavyweight Champion
Lonewolf and 3-Time ECFW Intercontinental Champion Stef Morrus come to the ring first
JayTee and ArJay of Guilty by Association then follow them.
Finally the Coca-Cola Boys come out dressed as the old school
tag team Demolition
“Big” Ben Little: Which one is Axe and which one
is Smash?
Owen Nelson: I don’t know, but this match is about to
get underway
All three men charge each other and a three-team brawl ensues
JayTee and Coca Boy start going at it, while ArJay and Lonewolf begin brawling and finally Stef Morrus and Cola Boy are exchanging
blows. Lonewolf gets the upper hand on ArJay and clotheslines him over the ropes. Lonewolf then goes over to help his partner
Stef Morrus and both of them toss Cola boy over the ropes. The Shocrew then make their way over to both JayTee and Cola Boy.
Stef Morrus starts to pummel on Cola Boy while Lonewolf isolates JayTee in the corner. Stef Morrus gets Cola Boy against the
ropes and then Superkicks him right on the jaw sending him over. Stef Morrus then joins Lonewolf as they both start to double
team on JayTee. The Shocrew gets JayTee out of the corner and give him one of hell of a double suplex; they both then deliver
a double elbow drop, and finish up with two falling head butts. The Shocrew give each other high fives. The Shocrew then turn
to see Coca Boy ascending the turnbuckle, but before he can get his footing, Stef Morrus runs up and arm drags him off the
top. The Shocrew now begin to stomp away at Coca Boy. Cola Boy gets in the ring and attempts a double clothesline, but the
Shocrew duck it, double kick him in the stomach and execute a double Rocker Dropper.
Owen Nelson: “What a nicely executed Fameasser.”
“Big” Ben Little: “That’s the Rocker
Dropper, Owen. That Billy Gunn is a has-been!”
The Shocrew begin to celebrate around the ring until ArJay
come up from behind Lonewolf and clips his knee. Stef Morrus tries to aid his partner, but JayTee is up and releases some
stiff forearms to the head of Stef Morrus. Guilty by Association now have the upper hand. ArJay begins to work on Lonewolf’s
knee, by stomping on it. ArJay then takes Lonewolf’s knee lays it across the bottom rope, bounces up using the second
rope and drops all his weight on Lonewolf’s knee. JayTee whips Stef Morrus into the ropes and hits him with a flying
knee. JayTee then mounts himself on top of Stef Morrus and begins to hit him with a flurry of punches. JayTee then gets up
to help ArJay work on Lonewolf. Guilty by Association both start to stomp on Lonewolf’s knee as Lonewolf cries out in
pain. ArJay then holds Lonewolf’s knee down as JayTee ascends the top rope and drops a vicious elbow on Lonewolf’s
knee. Guilty by Association then move over to Stef Morrus. JayTee picks Stef Morrus up and goes for his Curb Stomp, but can’t
quite get him over. Out of nowhere Coca Boy gets up and dropkicks JayTee causing him to lose his balance and drop Stef Morrus.
Owen Nelson: “JayTee couldn’t quite nail his finisher.”
“Big” Ben Little: “Yes, especially since
that move is IMPOSSIBLE to do!”
Both Coca Boy and Cola Boy are up and making a comeback against
Guilty by Association. Coca Boy DDTs ArJay as Cola Boy Back Suplexes JayTee. The Coca-Cola Boys then Double Rock Bottom ArJay
and Double Powerbomb JayTee. The Shocrew begin to get to their feet. Cola Boy sees Lonewolf and starts to chop him into the
corner. Coca Boy grabs Stef Morrus by the hair and European uppercuts him. Stef Morrus hits the mat. Coca Boy runs the ropes
and comes back with a leg drop. Coca Boy then climbs the top rope and goes for the Bombs Away, but Stef Morrus sits up and
Coca Boy misses. Stef Morrus stand up, grabs Coca Boy and sends him shoulder first into the ring post. Stef Morrus comes up
from behind Cola Boy who is still chopping, punching, and kicking away at Lonewolf. Stef Morrus grabs Cola Boy around the
waste and executes a huge German Suplex. Stef Morrus helps Lonewolf up and The Shocrew begin to double team on Cola Boy. The
Shocrew whip Cola Boy into the ropes and nail him with a double hip toss. Lonewolf turns around and gets speared by JayTee
who has recovered. Stef Morrus grabs JayTee around the waist, but JayTee uses his foot and low blows Stef Morrus.
“Big” Ben Little: “Awe c’mon ref!
How could you not see that!?”
Owen Nelson: “JayTee with a blatant low blow, and yet
the ref didn’t notice.”
Stef Morrus drops to the ground JayTee and ArJay start stomping
away at Stef Morrus. ArJay holds Stef Morrus’ legs down as JayTee climbs the turnbuckle and drops a massive leg across
Stef Morrus’ neck. JayTee goes for a pin
The Coca-Cola Boys are up and begin a massive counter-attack
on Guilty by Association. The Shocrew is also up. The Coca-Cola Boys begin to work on ArJay as The Shocrew beats on JayTee.
The Coca-Cola Boys body slam ArJay in the center of the ring while The Shocrew follow up with a double body slam of their
own in the center of ring. Both the Coca-Cola Boys and The Shocrew look at each other and nod. All four of them climb a turnbuckle.
They make a motion toward each other and leap off simultaneously to execute a perfect FOUR-POST MASSACRE!!!
Owen Nelson: OH MY GOD! A FOUR-POST MASSACRE! You never see
those anymore!
“Big” Ben Little” There is no way that Guilty
by Association is going to recover from that!
The Coca-Cola Boys and The Shocrew both standup and start
to stare each other down. They then run forward and collide in an outbreak of brawling. The Shocrew gets the upper hand and
whip the Coca-Cola boys into the ropes and attempt a clothesline, but the Coca-Cola Boys duck it and comeback with two dropkicks.
The Coca-Cola Boys pick up Stef Morrus and double suplex him. They then pick up Lonewolf and double suplex him. The Coca-Cola
Boys lift Stef Morrus up one more time and deliver a perfect double Superkick that knocks Stef Morrus hard and out. The Coca-Cola
Boys get Lonewolf up, punch him a few times, and Cola Boy sets up Lonewolf in a cross backbreaker. Coca Boy climbs the top
rope and drops a huge elbow on Lonewolf, for a perfectly executed DECAPITATION!
Owen Nelson: That was the Decapitation! Demolition’s
old finisher!
The Coca-Cola Boys both pin Lonewolf
“Ben” Ben Little: The Coca Cola Boys win it!
Sam Jenkans: Here are your winners and STILL your ECFW Tag
Team Champions, The Coca Cola Boys!
The CC Boys fans cheer, while The Shocrew fans boo.
Coca and Cola stand up and are handed their Belts and hug
each other.
Owen Nelson: They have successfully defended the Tag Team
Titles in their Demolition tribute match.
Coca and Cola hold up their Titles in the air.
Coca Boy reaches in his tights and pulls out a pen and paper,
and he sets it down on Lonewolf’s chest.
“Big” Ben Little: (Laughing) I think Coca Boy
wants his autograph.
Coca Boy stands back straight and he and Cola Boy raise each
other’s arm up high in the air.
Owen Nelson: What a great match on a great night for the Tag
Team Champs, The Coca Cola Boys.
“Big” Ben Little: Do you think Coca will get that
autograph from Lonewolf???…
Interviewer Rena Summers is standing by backstage with Hard
Rena Summers: Hard Stone, up next all of the games and sneak
attacks are over. Its you and Stephan Silverstone one-on-one for the first time ever, what are your thoughts going into this
personal matchup?
Hard Stone: Rena, I’ll tell you my thoughts. For the
past five weeks I have been jumped or sneak-attacked and all of that crap courtesy of The Elite Icons, well it all ends tonight.
Stephan’s buddies can’t interfere tonight, and tonight I will beat the living crap out of the Hard Stone wanna-be
and the REAL MVP will make Stephan Silverstone 15-1 here tonight at my pay-per0view in my ring.
Rena Summers: None of The Elite Icons can interfere here tonight
like you said, does that make you any more confident, Hard Stone?
Hard Stone: Not really. I would have won either way, but I
guess this is alright. Because now I can focus entirely on the piece of trash known as Stephan Silverstone. Tonight I end
Silverstone’s streak, his career, and his ability to walk. Tonight I prove why I am the best there is, why I am the
living legend, why I am the 6-Time World Champion, and why I am the single-greatest wrestler in the world’s history.
Stephan, tonight you belong to Hard Stone…’CAUSE HARD STONE IS DA MAN!!!
The crowd can be heard cheering from inside the arena as Hard
Stone walks off, heading for the ring.
Scene Fades.
Owen Nelson: Can Hard Stone end the undefeated streak? We’ll find out next.
Sam Jenkans The following contest is scheduled for one fall
and it will go to a finish. Introducing first, weighing 283 pounds, from Foxboro, Massachusetts, he is apart of The Elite
Stephan Silverstone’s music begins to play as “The
MVP” makes his way down to the ring.
Sam Jenkans: And his opponent, weighing in at a 240 pounds,
from Greenwich, Connecticut…HARD STONE! (Crowd cheers)
“Da Man” hits as Hard Stone walks down the ramp
and slides into the ring where he sticks his middle finger in Stephan’s face.
The referee for this match, Leonard Fisher, calls for the
Hard Stone immediately starts hammering away at the head and
face of “The MVP” as the crowd cheers him on.
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone has waited for this match for a long
time and now he’s got it!
Hard Stone has Silverstone backed into the corner, punching
him in the head and face repeatedly, when “The MVP” saves himself with a stiff kick to the stomach of the 6-Time
World Champion.
“Big” Ben Little: Nice save by Stephan Silverstone.
Stephan checks his face for blood and shakes his cobwebs lose
before running forward and taking H.S. down with a swinging neckbreaker!
Owen Nelson: Just like that Stephan Silverstone takes control
of this matchup here in the early-going.
“Big” Ben Little: And that’s why he’s
“The MVP.”
Hard Stone is back up and Silverstone slams his head into
the top turnbuckle and then whips Hard Stone to the other corner at the other side of the ring.
“The MVP” now runs at the cornered 6-Time Champion
of the World to attack but Hard Stone suddenly gets his foot up and catches Silverstone right in the jaw!
Owen Nelson: Oh!
Stephan Silverstone staggers around and gets a clothesline
from “Da Man”!
“Big” Ben Little: Hard Stone takes down Stephan
Silverstone with a clothesline knockdown.
Hard Stone now rolls out to ringside and grabs a steel chair
and brings it back into the ring with him.
Owen Nelson: Hey you better chill out, Stone. This is not
a no disqualification match.
In the ring, Hard Stone is about to hit Stephan with the chair
when the referee takes the chair away from Hard Stone!
Crowd boos
“Big” Ben Little: I don’t care how much
you hate Silverstone, Hard Stone, you can’t just hit him in the head with a d@mn chair!
The referee turns his back away from the two competitors and
tosses the chair out of the ring, and while the ref is doing this, Stephan Silverstone low blows Hard Stone from behind!
The crowd boos again.
Owen Nelson: What a cheap shot, and the referee didn’t
see a d@mn thing.
The ref turns back around to find Hard Stone down on his knees,
clutching his groin in pain.
The referee doesn’t know what to think as Stephan Silverstone
pulls Hard Stone up and give shim a Fishermen’s Suplex Pin!…1...2...Hard Stone kicks out!
“Big” Ben Little: Hard Stone’s lucky that
he escaped that.
“The MVP” Stephan Silverstone brings Hard Stone
back up to his feet and lifts him up for a Powerslam but H.S. slips down from behind into the Reverse DDT to Silverstone!
Crowd cheers
Owen Nelson: What a counter by the 6-Time World Champion!
Hard Stone drops his arm over Silverstone’s chest…1...2...Stephan
Silverstone shoots his shoulder off the canvas!
“Big” Ben Little: Don’t count out Mr. Undefeated
just yet.
A few moments later, both men are back up to their feet at
about the same time.
Hard Stone goes for a clothesline but Silverstone ducks and
from behind chop locks the right leg right out from under “Da Man”!
Owen Nelson: A chop lock by The Elite Icons’ “MVP.”
Stephan Silverstone gets up and Hard Stone gets back up again
and Silverstone executes another chop lock to the back of the right knee of Hard Stone, taking him off his feet.
Stephan stands up and picks up the right leg of Hard Stone
and drops his elbow down into the inside of it.
“Big” Ben Little: I guess Silverstone is going
to work on Hard Stone’s leg, Owen.
Owen Nelson: It certainly looks that way.
“The MVP” gets up and does the same elbow crush
again to the leg.
Stephan does this a third time, and then locks Hard Stone’s
leg into the leg submission hold.
“Big” Ben Little: The leg submission is in.
Hard Stone is yelling out in pain.
The referee is watching for a submission.
Stephan Silverstone yells at Hard Stone to give up.
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone may not give up here, but this certainly
does some damage to that right leg of Hard Stone.
Hard Stone is reaching for the ropes but can’t reach
The referee asks Hard Stone if he wants to give it up but
Hard Stone says “no.”
“Big” Ben Little: Silverstone’s got his
strategy all worked out here.
Stephan tightens the hold.
Hard Stone reaches for the ropes again but still can’t
get to them.
Stephan Silverstone finally releases the hold.
Owen Nelson: “The MVP” releases the hold.
Stephan turns Hard Stone over onto his stomach and picks up
his right leg.
Stephan throws Stone’s knee down into the canvas (knee
“Big” Ben Little: Ouch.
Stephan does this again, and again, and again.
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone’s leg has got to be in bad shape
Stephan Silverstone pulls the now-injured Hard Stone up to
his feet and picks him up from behind.
Stephan drops Hard Stone’s shin onto is own knee (shin
“Big” Ben Little: God, that’s got to hurt.
Hard Stone is down again and Stephan stomps and kicks his
knee a few times.
Stephan gets out of the ring and reaches in under the bottom
rope and pulls Hard Stone over to the ring post.
From ringside, Stephan Silverstone takes Hard Stone’s
right leg and swings it into the ring post!
The crowd is booing.
Owen Nelson: Oh, man. That’s doing some damage for sure.
Stephan does this again, and one more time.
“The MVP” slides back into the ring and pulls
Hard Stone over to the ropes and puts Hard Stone’s foot onto the bottom rope.
“Big” Ben Little: What’s Stephan doing here?
Stephan then uses Hard Stone’s foot to jump up and then
come down on the right leg of Hard Stone!
Owen Nelson: That had to hurt.
Stephan gets up and pulls Hard Stone up to his feet and lifts
him up and drops him with another shin breaker, and then covers “Da Man”…1...2.…Hard Stone gets his
shoulder up!
“Big” Ben Little: Hard Stone, you moron, now Silverstone’s
just going to punish your leg some more.
Stephan pulls Hard Stone up to his feet and grabs his leg
and flips Stone over with the Dragon Screw.
Owen Nelson: The dragon screw to the legendary Hall of Famer
Hard Stone. And I don’t know how much more of this even Hard Stone can take.
Stephan pulls the limping legend up to his feet and then bounces
himself off the ropes and comes back with another chop lock to the back of the right leg of H.S.
“Big” Ben Little: Another chop lock by “The
MVP” Stephan Silverstone.
Stephan gets up and picks up Hard Stone’s leg and starts
kicking away at the hamstring.
Owen Nelson: Its just a matter of time now, I’m afraid.
Stephan finally stops kicking and then drops another elbow
into the inner thigh of Hard Stone.
Stephan gets up and picks up Hard Stone’s leg and turns
himself around it and drops down into the Figure Four-Leg Lock!
Crowd boos
“Big” Ben Little: The Figure Four! Its in. That’s
it for Hard Stone.
Hard Stone is screaming in pain.
Owen Nelson: This could very well be it right here.
The referee is watching closely for a submission.
Hard Stone is yelling out in pain, trying to free himself
from the painful submission lock.
“Big” Ben Little: There’s no way out, Hard
Stone, you have no choice but to give up…so give up!
From Hard Stone’s legs, Stephan Silverstone is yelling
at Hard Stone to quit.
Hard Stone desperately reaches for the ropes but can’t
reach them.
The referee asks Hard Stone is he wants to give up but Hard
Stone reluctantly yells back “no!”
Owen Nelson: You’ve got to admire Hard Stone’s
courage and will to win.
“Big” Ben Little: I admire Stephan Silverstone.
Hard Stone reaches for the ropes again but still can’t
reach them.
“The MVP” tightens the hold, forcing a yell of
pain form Hard Stone’s mouth.
Owen Nelson: This live audience here in New York City are
rooting for Hard Stone.
“Big” Ben Little: That’s because New Yorkers
are idiots, just like Hard Stone for not giving up yet.
The referee again asks Hard Stone if he wants to give up but
Hard Stone again yells back “no!”
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone is hanging on.
Hard Stone uses all of his strength to pull himself a little
closer to the ropes, where he reaches for them again but is still not close enough.
Stephan Silverstone tightens the hold again.
“Big” Ben Little: There’s some more pressure
for you, Stone.
Hard Stone ignores the referee’s suggestion to quit
and Hard Stone pulls himself a little more closer and reaches as far as he can and…he grabs the bottom rope!
Crowd cheers
Owen Nelson: He got it!
The referee forces Silverstone to break the hold and “The
MVP” reluctantly does so.
Stephan gets up and starts arguing with the referee as behind
them Hard Stone is down holding his right leg in dire pain.
“Big” Ben Little: I can’t believe Hard Stone
didn’t give up.
Stephan yells at the referee and then turns around and starts
to pull Hard Stone up.
Hard Stone pulls “The MVP” in to the small package
pin out of nowhere!…1...2...Stephan barely kicks out!
The crowd “ooohhh”’s in how close that near
fall was.
“Big” Ben Little: Silverstone almost lost right
Stephan Silverstone is the first one up and Hard Stone limps
up to his feet and Stephan kicks H.S. in his mid-section and lifts him up for The Most Valuable Slam but Stone slips down
from behind and lifts Silverstone up into his own MOST VALUABLE SLAM to “The MVP” himself!
Crowd cheers
“Big” Ben Little: Hey! You can’t use Stephan
Silverstone’s own move against him!
Hard Stone covers Stephan Silverstone…1...2...Stephan
gets his shoulder up!
Owen Nelson: How humiliating would it be for “The MVP”
to lose to his own finishing maneuver.
A few moments later, Hard Stone is back up, limping and holding
his leg in pain.
Hard Stone pulls Stephan Silverstone up to his feet and sets
him up for the Hard Drop but Stephan suddenly grabs Stone’s arm and flips it over his own, reversing the hold into Silverstone’s
favor, and Stephan hits Hard Stone’s own HARD DROP onto Hard Stone himself!
Crowd boos
“Big” Ben Little: A taste of your own medicine,
Hard Stone!
Stephan Silverstone covers Hard Stone, hooking the leg…1...2...Hard
Stone kicks out!
Crowd cheers
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone keeps fighting back, Ben.
A few moments later, Stephan Silverstone has Hard Stone back
up and he has him in the corner.
Stephan punches “Da Man” in the corner and then
slams his head into the top turnbuckle.
Stephan sets Hard Stone up onto the top turnbuckle and then
climbs up himself.
“Big” Ben Little: Stephan Silverstone has got
something on his mind, Owen…
On the top turnbuckle, Stephan sets Hard Stone up and give
Crowd: Ooohhh!
Owen Nelson: The Superplex!
Both men are down on the mat.
“Big” Ben Little: That effected “The MVP”
as well, and now they are both down.
The referee sees that both men are down and he begins the
Owen Nelson: Referee Leonard Fisher has no choice but to count
the two men out.
“Big” Ben Little: Somebody had better get up here.
I don’t want to see this classic end in a double count out.
Both men are starting to stir.
Owen Nelson: They’re moving up but can they make it?
…..Both men are back up!
“Big” Ben Little: They’re back up! And the
match continues.
The two men exchange blows.
Hard Stone gets the upperhand and he knees Stephan hard in
his gut.
Hard Stone then sets Silverstone up for a DDT but Stephan
reverses Stone into the Northern Lights Suplex Pin!…1...2...Hard Stone kicks out!
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone barely kicked out of that one.
Stephan Silverstone is up first, followed by the limping Hard
Stone who is now holding his lower back in pain.
Stephan goes for a clothesline on Hard Stone but Hard Stone
ducks and catches “The MVP” for the Hard Drop but Stephan elbows his way out of it and goes for Hard Stone’s
own Hard Drop on Hard Stone himself but Hard Stone elbows his way out of it and lifts Stephan up for his own Most Valuable
Slam but Stephan slips down from behind and lifts “Da Man” up into THE MOST VALUABLE SLAM!!!
Crowd boos
“Big” Ben Little: There it is! Its over!
Stephan covers Hard Stone…1...2.…Hard Stone barely
gets his shoulder off the canvas in time!
Crowd erupts!
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone somehow someway finds a way to get
his shoulder off the canvas. Amazing.
Stephan is shocked and wide-eyed with his mouth open in shock.
“Big” Ben Little: This blind referee can’t
count to three!
Stephan gets up and grabs the ref by his shirt collar and
starts yelling “THREE” in his face.
Owen Nelson: Stephan Silverstone thought that would of put
Hard Stone away.
The ref is holding two fingers up to the ref and Stephan holds
up three.
“Big” Ben Little: This match should already be
over, Owen.
Stephan is threatening the referee.
Stephan warns the ref and turns around.
Hard Stone is up and he goes for a clothesline on Silverstone
but Stephan ducks and Hard Stone accidentally knocks out the referee!
Crowd: Oohh!
Owen Nelson: The ref is down and out. We need a new referee
out here.
Hard Stone turns around from his mistake and ducks an attempted
clothesline from Stephan and catches him in the HARD DROP!
Crowd erupts!
“Big” Ben Little: The Hard Drop by Hard Stone!
Hard Stone covers “The MVP,” but the referee is
still down and there is no one to count the pin.
The crowd starts yelling.
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone has this match won but the referee
is out.
“Big” Ben Little: And that’s Hard Stone’s
Hard Stone looks around and then gets up off of Stephan.
Hard Stone walks over to the referee and gets down on one
knee and yells at him to wake up.
Hard Stone shoves him and tries to revive him.
Owen Nelson: Leonard Fisher is out like a light.
Hard Stone stands up and pushes the ref with his foot, trying
to wake him up.
Suddenly…Stephan Silverstone low blows Hard Stone from
Crowd boos
“Big” Ben Little: There ya go, MVP.
Hard Stone falls to his knees, clutching his groin in pain.
Stephan Silverstone goes out to ringside and grabs a steel
“The MVP” brings the chair back into the ring
with him.
Owen Nelson: Stephan Silverstone’s got a chair.
In the ring, Hard Stone is moving up to his feet.
He turns around and Silverstone swings the chair at his head
but Hard Stone ducks and kicks Stephan in his ribs, causing him to drop the chair.
Hard Stone picks up the chair.
Stephan stands straight and WHACK! Hard Stone nails “The
MVP” in the head with the chair! Knocking Silverstone out cold!
Crowd: OOHH!!
“Big” Ben Little: Good Lord!
Stephan is down and out and Hard Stone drops the chair and
pulls “The MVP” back up to his feet.
The referee is starting to come to.
Hard Stone gives a second HARD DROP to “The MVP”!
The crowd is going crazy.
Owen Nelson: Another Hard Drop! And the referee is conscious,
Hard Stone’s got this thing won if he pins him…
Hard Stone yells at the referee to count as Hard Stone covers
Stephan Silverstone.
“Big” Ben Little: Kick out, Silverstone!
But instead of counting, the ref signals for the bell.
The crowd is confused.
Owen Nelson: What happened?
The ref tells ring announcer Sam Jenkans something, Sam nods,
and then speaks into his microphone…
Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed
that the winner of this match via disqualification…”The MVP” Stephan Silverstone!
The crowd instantly starts booing.
“Big” Ben Little: Yes! He’s 16-0!
Hard Stone gets up, pissed as ever.
Owen Nelson: The referee must have seen Hard Stone hit Stephan
in the head with the chair. But he missed Silverstone’s low blow and Silverstone bringing in the chair. What a load
of crap. Hard Stone had the match won with that first Hard Drop, but Stephan had to bring the chair in. Hard Stone was defending
Hard Stone starts yelling at the referee who tries to explain
his case.
Hard Stone pulls the referee in by his arm into the HARD DROP!
Crowd cheers
“Big” Ben Little: I suppose you condone Hard Dropping
the referee as well, right, Owen?
Owen Nelson: In this case, I can’t blame him. Hard Stone
had Silverstone and the undefeated streak beat, until this load of B.S.
Hard Stone turns back around to the downed Stephan Silverstone
and starts stomping on him.
While Hard Stone is doing this, Gladiator, Mr. Jones, and
John O’Neil all run down to the ring!
The crowd starts booing,
“Big” Ben Little: Here comes the rest of The Elite
Hard Stone turns around just in time to be SPEARED BY MR.
Crowd: OOHH!!
Owen Nelson: The Spear! What is this now, Hard Stone was already
screwed tonight and now they have to all attack him? C’mon.
Hard Stone is down and Glad, Jones, and O’Neil all stomp
on him as the audience boos.
“Big” Ben Little: Its time to prove a point to
the former 6-Time World Champion.
Hard Stone is helpless as John O’Neil pulls him up to
his feet and kicks him below the belt!
Hard Stone falls forward into a kick to the stomach followed
by Gladiator’s UNION JACK!
Owen Nelson: And now the Union Jack. This is ridiculous.
Mr. Jones helps the dazed Stephan Silverstone back up to his
feet, who is holding his head in pain.
Glad, Jones, and O’Neil all drag Hard Stone up and hold
him in place while “The MVP” yells in Stone’s face and slaps him repeatedly.
Stephan spits in Hard Stone’s face and then punches
him in the head repeatedly.
“Big” Ben Little: Man, look at those shots.
The three continue to hold Hard Stone in place while Stephan
Silverstone picks up the steel chair.
CRACK! He nails Stone in the head, knocking him out cold and
busting him wide open.
Crowd: OOHH!!
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone is busted open and he could have a
concussion now.
Stephan drops the chair.
John O’Neil drags the bloody Hard Stone up to his feet
and gives him the MIND SHATTERER ONTO THE CHAIR!!!
Crowd: OOOHHH!!!
“Big” Ben Little: Oh! He could have a broken neck
now, too.
Gladiator and Mr. Jones drag Hard Stone up again and pick
him up and set him up onto the top turnbuckle.
Stephan Silverstone then climbs up there as well.
John O’Neil sets up the steel chair in the center of
the ring as if he were going to sit in it.
“Big” Ben Little: This is going to be ugly…
The chair is set and at the top rope, Stephan stands Stone
Crowd: OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Owen Nelson: OH MY GOD!
“Big” Ben Little: Holy crap…
The crowd is still buzzing as Glad, Jones, and John pull Stephan
Silverstone up to his feet.
The four Elite Icons look down at the bloody Hard Stone, who
is down and out on the collapsed and mangled up steel chair.
They laugh.
Owen Nelson: That was insane and horrible.
EMTS with a stretcher rush down to the ring and start loading
Hard Stone up onto the stretcher.
“Big” Ben Little: Hard Stone has got to be seriously
injured here, Owen.
The four Icons laugh and all look up at the booing audience
and they all hold up five fingers,
Owen Nelson: Five fingers? A signal to the fifth member, maybe?
“Big” Ben Little: But who IS the fifth member?!
Hard Stone is loaded up onto the stretcher, his blood stained
on the ring canvas.
Hard Stone has a neck brace on as they get him out of the
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone was screwed, beaten, and bloodied-all
thanks to The Elite Icons.
Gladiator looks into the camera and says, “Aric Hart…this
will be YOU.”
Gladiator laughs and steps away from the camera.
“Big” Ben Little: This is what is awaiting Aric
Hart in the “I Quit” Match later tonight.
The four Elite Icons all watch as they stretch Hard Stone
out of the arena.
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone’s career could be over.
(We are at a burial ground)
“On July 16th…”
(We are panning around a gravesite.)
“Many will battle…”
(Creepy, eerie music is playing and thunder can be heard as
we see several images of graves being shoveled with dirt)
“But only few will survive.”
(Now we are seeing a casket being carried to its grave by
several men.)
“But for those who do not survive…”
(The casket is lowered into the grave)
“They will be…”
(The casket suddenly opens and the words “BURIED ALIVE”
are inside of the casket. We stay on this image as the announcer speaks…)
“ECFW presents Buried Alive 2005. Coming to you live
and exclusively on pay-per-view on July 16th from the famous Cow Palace in San Francisco, California. Tickets are
on sale now.”
(The casket closes.)
(Dirt is shoveled onto the closed casket, and the screen goes
black from the dirt.)
We are back inside the arena and we are on Owen Nelson and
Ben Little at the announce table.
Owen Nelson: We have just witnessed what could possibly be
Hard Stone’s last night here in the ECFW.
(As they talk, highlights of the end of the match and the
after-match are shown)
Owen Nelson: During the match the referee was knocked down.
Hard Stone Hard Dropped Stephan Silverstone and had the match won right there, but the ref had yet to recover.
“Big” Ben Little: And that’s when “The
MVP” low blowed Hard Stone from behind. From there, he brought the chair into the ring but Hard Stone stopped him with
a kick to the gut. Hard Stone whacked him in the head with the chair, and the bell rings a few moments later.
Owen Nelson: The referee had seen the chairshot, and disqualified
Hard Stone, giving the cheap 16th win to the still-undefeated “MVP” Stephan Silverstone.
“Big” Ben Little: After that, the rest of The
Elite Icons made their way down to the ring and beat on Hard Stone, even busting him open with the very chair he got disqualified
Owen Nelson: It all ended with the incredible Most Valuable
Slam off the top rope and through the chair. It was brutal.
“Big” Ben Little: The EMTS came down and loaded
the 6-Time World Champion up. And now, possibly the ECFW’s most famous wrestler of all-time, his career could very well
be over.
Owen Nelson: We wish Hard Stone a speedy recover, but now
it is time for business to roll on.
“Big” Ben Little: If Hard Stone should never be
seen in an ECFW ring ever again, he has cemented his spot as perhaps the greatest or at least the most recognized ECFW performer
Owen Nelson: Hard Stone has been taken to a local hospital,
and one of these two men in our next match could be as well. Its the Gangsta Street Fight, and its up next.
Owen Nelson: As you see there are 4 garbage cans on
turnbuckle that holds hardcore weapons such as
kendo sticks, chairs, brass knucks, stop signs, and
much more. There
are no rules, pinfalls count
anywhere, the only way the match ends is if you get
"Big" Ben Little: Enough
with the talk lets get this
match underway.
["Run Like Hell'' by Namco hits]
Sam Jenkins: Coming to the ring,
weighting in at 229
pounds from Miami Florida, Bryan Fury!!!
The crowd boos as Bryan Fury makes his way to the
Bryan Fury rolls in the ring and poses to the
crowd as they continue to boo.
"Big" Ben Little: These New Yorkers
need to learn how
to respect this man.
["In Cold Blood" by Scarface hits]
Sam Jenkins: Making his way to
the ring, accompanied
by Jenny Omega, weighting in at 232 pounds from
Columbia, South Carolina, "Mr. Top of the Charts"
The crowd starts to go wild as KT Morris makes his way
to the ring and as KT Morris gets in the
ring Bryan
Fury rolls out the ring and talks trash to KT Morris
from the floor. KT Morris makes a symbols to Bryan to
him to get his ass in the ring and Bryan Fury
shoots the bird at KT Morris.
Referee Matthew Rice then the bell
KT Morris rolls out the ring goes straight at Bryan
Fury. The two of them start to exchange punches back
forth until KT Morris gets the best of Bryan Fury.
KT Morris kicks Bryan Fury in the gut and throws Fury
in the ring
then KT rolls in and waits for Bryan Fury
gets up and gets knocked back down with a powerful
crowd cheers.
Owen Nelson: What a clothesline!!
KT Morris goes to the weapons and pulls out a kendo
and looks at Bryan Fury and smiles. Bryan Fury
makes his way to his feet and KT Morris takes a swing
at Bryan Fury and
Bryan Fury falls on the mat to dodge
the stick and Fury pops right back up and dropkicks KT
Morris and force him to
fall over the top ropes.
"Big" Ben Little: Amazing dropkick by the Furious one.
Bryan Fury sees KT Morris make
his way back to his
feet and Bryan Fury goes for a suicide dive but KT
Morris picks up a chair and Bryan Fury goes head
into that chair.
Owen Nelson: Oh my god.
KT Morris picks Bryan Fury up by the head and KT
puts Bryan Fury back first on the table and KT
Morris gives Bryan Fury a knife edge chop to the
KT Morris then gives Bryan another chop to the chest.
Crowd: Wooooo!
KT Morris then throws Bryan
Fury back in the ring and
setups the table. After KT Morris setups the table KT
climbs on the turnbuckle and Bryan Fury
gets up dazed
and knocks KT Morris off the turnbuckle and KT Morris
goes through the table and Bryan Fury falls back
the mat.
"Big" Ben Little: Haha! That’s what you get punk.
Owen Nelson: That must of took a lot
out of Fury.
Fury gets back to his feet and outside of the ring
Jenny Omega is trying to get KT Morris back onto
feet. Fury goes to garbage can and takes out the brass
knucks and shows them to the crowd.
The crowd starts
to boo.
Owen Nelson: Oh no this could equal up to trouble.
KT Morris is on his feet and Jenny Omega then slips
pair of brass knucks. Then KT Morris rolls in
the ring and the two size up and the Bryan Fury runs
and tries to take
a shot at KT and KT ducks and then
KT takes a shot at Fury and he ducks then the two
takes a shot at each other and
they both connect and
Fury's arm is on KT.
Rice: 1..2..KICKOUT!!
Owen Nelson: I guess KT said there will
not be a
repeat happening.
The two are knocked out and motionless. Then Jenny
Omega gets in the ring and checks
on KT. Then KT rolls
over and pins Bryan Fury.
Rice: 1..2..KICKOUT!!!
Bryan Fury rolls out the ring and grabs
a bag from
under the ring and Jenny helps KT to his feet and
Bryan Fury grabs a handful on something out of the
KT Morris gains balance and makes his way to the
ropes and just as Bryan Fury gets up his throws a
handful of powder
in the eyes of KT Morris.
"Big" Ben Little: Haha! That has to hurt but its all
Bryan Fury then taunts
for a while and gives KT Morris
a chance to recover and afterwards Bryan Fury rolls
back in the ring and looks a KT
Morris and goes for
the RUN LIKE HELL but KT Morris catches vision back
and ducks and picks up a chair then chases Bryan
with it but Bryan Fury runs to the ropes and hops on
the ropes then connects the chair with KT's head as he
which forces KT to bleed.
Crowd: Oooh!!!
Owen Nelson: Such
"Big" Ben Little: Its over!
Bryan Fury pins KT.
Rice: 1..2..KT GETS HIS SHOULDER UP!!!!!
Ben Little: Impossible!!
Owen Nelson: The match is still on!
Bryan Fury is pissed off and Bryan Fury decides
roll out the ring and he grabs a board of barbed wire (ala the board of wire used at Backlash 2004).
Owen Nelson: Oh my god! He is not.
Bryan Fury then
symbols to the crowd that its over.
Bryan Fury then picks KT Morris up and kicks him in
the gut. Then Bryan Fury attempts
to go for a KT 187
OF HIS OWN but KT Morris overpowers Bryan ONTO THE BOARD OF BARBED WIRE!!!
"Big" Ben Little:
No!! Matt Rice call for the bell.
Owen Nelson: There is no DQ, Ben.
Bryan Fury makes his way to his feet screaming
in pain
and KT Morris kicks Bryan Fury in the guts and hits
"Big" Ben Little: Sweet Jesus alive.
KT Morris then pins Bryan Fury. Referee
Matthew Rice
Rice: 1..2...3!!!
Owen Nelson: Hell is finally over.
Sam Jenkans: The winner of the match, KT Morris!
Crowd cheers
KT Morris stands up in pain and gets his arm raised by the
“Big” Ben Little: That was sick. Bryan Fury brought
the board wrapped with barbed wire into the ring, a board big enough for a person to lay on, and KT turned the tables and
won this bloody, brutal match. Wow.
KT stumbles around and then stands over Bryan Fury, who is
out on his back on the giant board of barbed wire, and KT raises both his arms in the air as the audience applauds.
Owen Nelson: Bryan Fury showed a lot of guts here tonight,
and though he didn’t win, I think he still impressed Kurt Evans.
The referee helps KT Morris out of the ring as some officials
come down to aid to Bryan Fury.
“Big” Ben Little: Is this massacre a sign of things
to come???…
Interviewer Rena Summers is standing by backstage with the
ECFW Champion Aric Hart, his Belt over his shoulder.
Rena Summers: Aric, the time has finally come. This has been
one of the greatest pay-per-views I have ever seen, and it will get that much better when up next the intense rivalry of Aric
Hart and Gladiator will finally come to a close in the brutal “I Quit” Match when you, Aric Hart, the longest-reigning
ECFW Champion will defend the Gold against none other than “The Icon” Gladiator.
Aric Hart: This rivalry is intense, you are right about that,
Rena. Gladiator has made my life a living hell for the last two and a half months. But it all ends right here tonight in New
York City. Tonight I make Gladiator pay for everything he has ever doen to me or anybody else. Tonight what he did to Hard
Stone, that won’t be me, that will be HIM. I respect Hard Stone and I hope to see him back in the ECFW one day, but
I don’t respect Gladiator and I know that he won’t return to the ECFW one day after I’m through with him
here tonight when I make him say the words, “I Quit.”
Rena Summers: But what about the fifth member, Aric, are you
at all concerned that the fifth member could possibly interfere in your match tonight. Or even if he or she doesn’t,
will the fifth member distract your mind tonight in this match?
Aric Hart looks annoyed.
Aric Hart: The fifth member is all we hear about these days.
Well I am sick of it. If the fifth member decides to show up tonight, I will give them a taste of what Gladiator is getting
tonight as well. I know it is not my wife, those are just mind games from Gladiator. Tonight, I don’t care about the
fifth member. All I acre about is beating Gladiator to a bloody pulp and starting month six of the Aric Hart era. Tonight,
in just a matter of moments, I am going to beat the bloody hell out Gladiator and successfully defend MY ECFW Title,
and Gladiator will have no choice but to scream like a little girl, “I QUIT!”
Aric leaves.
Scene Fades.
Owen Nelson: The time has come, Ben…the time is here.
Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our
main event!
Crowd cheers
Sam Jenkans: This match is for the ECFW World Heavyweight
Championship and it is an “I Quit” Match. In this contest, the man who beats his opponent to the point that his
opponent says the words, “I Quit,” that man will be declared the winner and the ECFW Champion. Introducing first,
the challenger, weighing 255 pounds, from London, England…GLADIATOR! (Crowd boos)
“My Way” begins to play as Gladiator makes his
way down to the ring.
Sam Jenkans: And his opponent, weighing 257 pounds, from Calgary,
Alberta, Canada, he is the current ECFW World Heavyweight Champion…ARIC HART! (Crowd cheers)
“Close Your Eyes” by Waterproof Blonde hits as
Aric Hart makes his way down to the ring with his Title Belt around his waist.
Aric enters the ring and hands his Belt to referee Red Hairing
and then Aric gets in Gladiator’s face and the two start arguing.
Red Hairing raises Aric Hart’s Championship Belt up
in the air, signifying that this match is for the Title.
Red hands the Belt over to a stagehand and then calls for
the bell.
The crowd is standing in anticipation as Aric and Glad stand
face-to-face, arguing.
Owen Nelson: The long-awaited “I Quit” Match is
officially underway, Ben…this is going to be ugly…
The referee has a microphone in his hand.
The two waste little time and start exchanging blows in the
center of the ring as the crowd cheers in excitement.
“Big” Ben Little: And they’re off!
Aric Hart gets the upperhand and he knocks “The Icon”
off his feet with a strong right fist to the face.
Gladiator climbs back up to his feet and ducks an attempted
right hand from the ECFW Champion and Aric Hart turns around to be knocked down by a Gladiator punch to the mouth!
Owen Nelson: The Champion goes down.
Aric gets back up and Gladiator goes for a clothesline but
Aric ducks and bounces himself off the ropes and comes back with a flying clothesline on Gladiator!
“Big” Ben Little: Flying clothesline by Aric Hart!
Both men climb up to their feet and Aric Hart slams Gladiator’s
head into the top turnbuckle.
Gladiator staggers back and Aric takes him down with a hiptoss.
Owen Nelson: Nice hiptoss by the World’s Heavyweight
Gladiator stumbles up to his feet and Aric goes for a clothesline
but Gladiator ducks and executes a neckbreaker from behind Hart!
“Big” Ben Little: Great counter by “The
Aric Hart gets back up to his feet and Gladiator clotheslines
him over the top rope and out of the ring!
Owen Nelson: Gladiator sends Aric Hart out to ringside.
Gladiator follows.
Out at ringside, Gladiator brings the Champion up and throws
him head-first into the steel ring steps!
“Big” Ben Little: Concussion city.
Gladiator pulls Aric up and sets him up for a suplex on the
floor but Aric reverses Glad into a suplex of his own on the thin ringside padding!
Owen Nelson: Suplex counter on the floor by Aric Hart!
A few moments later, both men are back up to their feet.
Gladiator comes forward Aric to attack but Aric ducks down
and lifts Gladiator up into the flapjack position and brings him back head-first into the medal ring post and then drops Gladiator
down onto the floor!
Crowd: Oh!
“Big” Ben Little: Almost a snake eyes into the
ring post by Hart. Ouch.
Aric Hart pulls Gladiator up to his feet and brings him over
and picks him up off the ground and drops him ribs-first onto the barricade!
Owen Nelson: Gladiator could have broken ribs after that!
Aric pulls Gladiator up again and tries to whip him into the
ring post but Gladiator reverses it and sends Aric back-first into the ring post!
“Big” Ben Little: Gladiator reverses it!
Aric staggers forward and walks into a backbody drop onto
the floor by Gladiator!
Crowd: Oohh!
Owen Nelson: Oh, man! The backbody drop onto the concrete
Gladiator walks over to the time keeper’s table and
grabs the ring bell.
Aric Hart is back up to his feet, holding his back in pain.
“The Icon” swings the bell at Hart’s head
but Aric ducks and kicks Glad in his gut causing him to drop the ring bell.
Aric now picks up the bell and…RING! Aric nails Gladiator
upside the head with the ring bell! Knocking Gladiator down and out.
Crowd cheers
“Big” Ben Little: Man, you could hear that…we
know Gladiator did.
Aric Hart grabs the microphone out of referee Red Hairing’s
hand and raises it up to his lips:
Aric Hart: “Gladiator! Let’s end this right now.
Give up and quit!”
Gladiator holds the mic down to Gladiator’s mouth.
It takes Glad a few seconds to wake up, and he yells into
the mic:
Gladiator: “Get this piece of sh1t away from me!”
Gladiator pushes the mic out of his face.
Owen Nelson: Gladiator will not quit yet.
“Big” Ben Little: He won’t quit at all.
Aric nails Gladiator in the head with the microphone before
handing it back to the referee.
Owen Nelson: Ouch.
Aric pulls Gladiator up to his feet and slams his head into
the steel ring steps.
Aric then whips Gladiator back-first into the barricade!
Aric now walks over and starts clearing the English announce
table as the crowd starts cheering and they stand to their feet.
“Big” Ben Little: I was afraid this was going
to happen…
Aric finishes clearing everything off and he turns back around
to be low blowed out of nowhere by Gladiator!
Crowd boos
Owen Nelson: Gladiator caught the Champ out of nowhere with
that low blow.
Aric falls to his knees, clutching his groin in pain.
“The Icon” stands up, dazed, and pulls Aric Hart
up to his feet and tosses him up onto the cleared English announce table.
“Big” Ben Little: They’re right in front
of us now, Owen. I don’t know about you but I’m getting out of here…
“Big” Ben and Owen move out of their chairs from
behind their announce table as ON the announce table Gladiator is setting Aric up for the Union Jack on the table.
Owen Nelson: Not this!…
Gladiator is about to perform the move when Aric reverses
Crowd: OOOHHH!!!
“Big” Ben Little: Oh my God!
The crowd is still cheering and going nuts over what just
Owen Nelson: Aric Hart just sent Gladiator from one table
to the next and the self-proclaimed “Icon” is down and out through this table debris. Amazing.
The Spanish announce table is broken in half with Gladiator
in the split middle, out cold.
On the English announce table, which is still standing, Aric
Hart jumps off and looks down at the fallen Gladiator through the fallen table.
“Big” Ben Little: I can’t believe that just
Aric walks over to the stunned referee and snatches the microphone
from his hand…
Aric Hart: “Okay, enough! If you want more than that,
I’ll give it to you, Glad, but if not you better quit RIGHT NOW!”
Aric pushes parts and pieces of the broken/collapsed table
out of the way to reach Gladiator’s mouth and does so.
Gladiator is out and cannot answer.
Owen Nelson: The Number One Contender is out like a light.
Aric: “Wake up!”
Aric slaps Gladiator in the
face to wake him up.
Gladiator’s eyes slowly open and he then realizes how
much pain his body is in and he grits his teeth in pain.
Aric speaks into the mic again…
Aric Hart: “QUIT!”
Aric holds the mic back up to Gladiator’s face.
It takes him a few seconds to say anything, but…
Gladiator:”…*cough* *cough* NO!”
Crowd boos
“Big” Ben Little: If Gladiator won’t quit
after that then he’ll never quit. You’re looking at a new ECFW Champion tonight, Owen.
Owen Nelson: The night is young, Ben…the night is young…
Aric reaches down and grabs the helpless “Icon”
by his head and pulls him up to his feet and brings him over to the other side of the ringside, by the rampway.
Aric sets Gladiator up for a suplex on the steel ramp, but
Gladiator suddenly reverses it into a suplex of his own on the steel!
Crowd: Oh!
“Big” Ben Little: Now that’s an effective
A little while later, both men are moving up to their feet.
Aric swings a right fist for Glad’s face but Gladiator
blocks it and gives the ECFW World Heavyweight Champion a right of his own to the jaw.
This staggers Aric and he goes further up the ramp, Gladiator
and the microphone-armed referee.
Owen Nelson: They’re moving further up that rampway.
They are exchanging blows up the ramp and are now near the
top when Gladiator knees Aric in the ribs and slams his head into the steel structure on the staging area.
“Big” Ben Little: Owe.
Aric falls to one knee and Gladiator pulls him up and sets
him up for the Union Jack but Aric reverses it into the double-leg pickup and catapults Gladiator face-first into the steel
Owen Nelson: Oh!
Gladiator staggers back and walks into a kick to the gut followed
Crowd erupts!
“Big” Ben Little: Oh no!
Gladiator is out cold, not moving, face-down on the stage
floor at the top of the rampway.
The crowd is still cheering.
Owen Nelson: The Heart of Harts onto that hard steel. That
is a difference maker and could very well win the Champion this match.
Aric turns Gladiator over onto his back to reveal that he
is cut open on his head, bleeding profusely with blood all over his face.
The crowd cheers upon site of the bloody challenger.
“Big” Ben Little: How sick are these people here
in New York City? Gladiator is busted open from ear to ear and they’re cheering?! That’s just sick.
Aric looks down at his bloody foe and smiles.
Aric grabs the mic from the ref’s hand and he speaks
into it…
Aric Hart: “Look at you, Glad-you‘re a bloody
mess. Just give it up now and maybe you won‘t bleed some more.”
Aric gets down on one knee beside the crimson-faced Gladiator
and holds the mic up to his lips, which is surrounded by his own blood.
Gladiator does not answer.
Owen Nelson: I think Gladiator is unconscious.
Aric raises the mic back up to his own mouth:
Aric Hart: “Okay, well then…”
All of a sudden Gladiator reaches up and sticks his thumb
in Aric’s eye!
The shocked crowd boos
“Big” Ben Little: He’s not out! He had a
poke to the eyes left in him!
Aric drops the mic and the referee picks it back up.
Gladiator slowly climbs up to his feet, dazed and staggering,
dripping blood all over the place.
Aric Hart is back up and Gladiator knees him hard in his gut
Owen Nelson: OH, GOD!
On the stage 15 feet above Aric Hart, Gladiator falls back
down in pain and from being so weak.
“Big” Ben Little: That was sick! Gladiator just
threw the ECFW Champion off the stage at least 14 or 15 feet below through about 4 tables! He could be broken in half.
Owen Nelson: He probably is.
The crowd continues their loud chants of “HOLY CRAP!”
Down on the floor below the staging area, we see the Champ
down through 4 annihilated tables, broken table debris covering parts of Aric’s body as EMTS now arrive to check on
Aric Hart.
The crowd starts to settle down a bit.
“Big” Ben Little: If Gladiator could just get
up he could very well have this match won.
On the stage, the bloody “Icon” pulls himself
up to his feet and looks down form the edge of the stage platform down to the attended-to Aric Hart through the destroyed
Owen Nelson: I think the challenger likes what he sees.
Gladiator climbs down the stage, now hanging by his hands
that are grabbing the stage.
He jumps down the rest of the way and lands on his feet but
barely keeps his balance.
“Big” Ben Little: Gladiator is now down there
as well.
Gladiator throws some of the EMTS out of the way, knocking
out a few with punches to the face.
He pushes broken table out of the way and drags the limp,
lifeless ECFW World Champion up to his spaghetti legs and brings him over closer to the ramp incline.
Gladiator tosses Aric up onto the ramp way and then climbs
up himself, the referee right there waiting on the rampway.
Owen Nelson: Gladiator wants to finish the job.
Gladiator brings Aric over and rolls him into the ring, the
referee (with the mic in his hand) rolling into the ring as well.
Gladiator goes over to the time keeper’s table and grabs
a steel chair before sliding into the ring with it.
“Big” Ben Little: They’re back in the ring,
Gladiator with that chair. He’s far from over…
Back in the ring, Gladiator sets the chair down on the mat
and drags Aric up to his feet and sets Aric up for the Union Jack on the chair, hooking his arms.
Owen Nelson: He wants to finish the Champion off with the
Union Jack.
Gladiator is about to do the move when Aric suddenly releases
his head, stands straight, and DDTS GLADIATOR INTO THE CHAIR!!!
Crowd cheers
“Big” Ben Little: What the hell?!
Both men are down, Gladiator’s face covered in blood.
Owen Nelson: Aric Hart had a DT lefty in him and he DDTd Gladiator
head-first into that steel chair, which Gladiator actually brought into the ring himself.
Neither man is moving.
Crowd: LET’S GO, ARIC! (stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp,
stomp) Crowd: LET’S GO, ARIC! (stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp) Crowd: LET’S GO, ARIC! (stomp, stomp, stomp,
stomp, stomp) Crowd: LET’S GO, ARIC! (stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp) Crowd: LET’S GO, ARIC! (stomp, stomp,
stomp, stomp, stomp)
“Big” Ben Little: These idiots here in Madison
Square Garden are chanting for Aric Hart to get up, but don’t they know that “The Icon” is going to win
this match?
Owen Nelson: The match isn’t over yet, Ben.
Its been about a minute since the DDT onto the chair, and
both men are stirring to their feet,
“Big” Ben Little: They’re both moving up…
They are both dazed and they stagger to the center of the
ring and start exchanging blows.
Owen Nelson: Back to where we started.
Aric Hart gets the upperhand and he punches Gladiator in his
ribs and tries to Irish whip Glad into the ropes but Gladiator reverses it and instead of sending Hart to the ropes he pulls
Aric right back in to a kick to the gut and the UNION JACK BY GLADIATOR!
Crowd boos
“Big” Ben Little: YES! Union Jack by the future
3-Time ECFW Champion.
Gladiator staggers back up to his feet and snatches the microphone
from Red Hairing’s hand…
Gladiator (dripping blood onto the mic): “I’ve
had enough of this, Hart! Quit right now and give me MY Title!”
Gladiator goes down to one knee beside the motionless Aric
Hart and holds the mic up to his face.
A few seconds later…
Aric Hart: “…..You’re going to have to do
better than that.”
Crowd cheers
Owen Nelson: Aric Hart is far from done!
Gladiator is angry and he throws the mic down onto the canvas.
The referee picks it back up.
Gladiator gets up and signals to the 25,000 New Yorkers that
the match is done.
“Big” Ben Little: Gladiator’s going to end
it right here.
Gladiator pulls Aric up to his feet and ducks down and lifts
Hart up and sets him onto the top turnbuckle.
Gladiator climbs up himself.
Owen Nelson: Gladiator has something on his mind here…
Gladiator, standing on the second turnbuckle and Aric sitting
on the top turnbuckle, Gladiator ducks Aric’s head down and sticks it in-between his legs as the audience stands to
their feet.
“Big” Ben Little: Look at this. Last month at
Cyber Carnage IV Aric Hart did the Heart of Harts off the top rope to Gladiator…it looks like “The Icon”
is fixing to return the favor…
Gladiator is about to do the move when Aric Hart releases
his head and picks Gladiator up from the second turnbuckle into the SKY HIGH POWERBOMB OFF THE TOP ROPE!!!
Crowd: OOOHHH!!!
Owen Nelson: Oh, man! What a counter, good God!
Both men are down and out on the mat, Aric Hart at Gladiator’s
feet from the way they landed.
“Big” Ben Little: The Sky High Powerbomb/Spinebuster
maneuver off the top rope, that was just breathtaking. Man oh man.
The crowd begins to settle down a bit.
Owen Nelson: That was the most effective counter that I think
I have ever seen. Honestly.
The crowd begins an “ARIC! ARIC! ARIC!” chant.
“Big” Ben Little: As much as I hate to admit it,
if Aric Hart can get up to his feet here I think he may have this thing won. I know I’d be quitting right now if I were
Gladiator, or Aric Hart for that matter.
A few moments later, Aric Hart uses the ring ropes to pull
himself up to his feet.
Owen Nelson: The Champion is back up.
Aric snatches the mic from the ref’s hand and speaks
into it…
Aric Hart: “*Cough* Gladiator…*cough* QUIT!”
Aric gets down and holds the mic up to Gladiator’s lips.
“Big” Ben Little: Is he going to quit???…
It takes him a few seconds to answer but Gladiator eventually
manages to open his mouth…
Gladiator: “…*cough* NO!”
Owen Nelson: “The Icon” refuses to give up.
Aric shoves the mic back into the ref’s chest and Aric
pulls Gladiator up to his feet and throws him over the top rope and out of the ring!
Aric Hart goes out as well.
“Big” Ben Little: The ECFW World’s Heavyweight
Champion takes the fight back out to ringside.
Out at ringside, Gladiator suddenly sticks his thumb in the
Champ’s eye and then jumps up onto the ring apron to get back into the ring.
Aric comes up on the ring apron from behind Gladiator and
Owen Nelson: GOOD LORD!
Both men are down and out through the broken/destroyed announce
“Big” Ben Little: That was unbelievable!
Gladiator is folded up like an accordion against the fan rail
and Aric Hart is down on his back at the front of the broken table.
Owen Nelson: If Aric Hart could just get up he’ll have
this match won.
The crowd continues their loud chants of “HOLY CRAP!”
“Big” Ben Little: Wow.
A replay is shown.
Its now been about a minute since the amazing fall and Aric
Hart is pulling himself up to his feet.
Aric drags the lifeless “Icon” up and rolls him
into the ring.
Aric reaches under the ring and pulls out the 2X4 WRAPPED
Crowd erupts!
Owen Nelson: Anything but that! We’ve seen enough barbed
wire for one night!
Aric stares at it and smiles sadistically.
“Big” Ben Little: Put that away, Aric!
Aric slides into the ring with it.
Back in the ring, Gladiator is using the ropes to pull himself
up to his feet.
Owen Nelson: Gladiator better watch out…
Gladiator turns around and Aric runs at him with the barbed
wired 2X4 but Gladiator drops down and DROP TOE HOLDS ARIC FACE-FIRST INTO THE BARBED WIRED 2X4!!!
Crowd: OOOHHH!!!
“Big” Ben Little: That’s what you get, Hart!
The crowd is still buzzing as Gladiator rolls Aric over onto
his back to reveal that the Champion is now cut wide open on his head.
Owen Nelson: Aric Hart is now busted wide open.
Gladiator crawls over to the ropes and uses them to pull himself
up to his feet.
He staggers around, dazed, dripping blood everywhere.
He snatches the mic out from the referee’s hand.
Gladiator: “*Cough* I am *cough* done with this! Aric
*cough* QUIT NOW! Before I do even *cough* more!”
Gladiator leans over and holds the mic up to Aric Hart’s
lips, which are in the middle of his bloody face.
Aric Hart’s eyes open through the blood, and he sees
the mic in front of him. He uses all of his strength to speak in a weak voice…
Aric Hart: “………You’ll have to
do more than that.”
Crowd cheers
“Big” Ben Little: C’mon, Aric! Quit already!
Gladiator, upset, shoves the microphone into the referee’s
chest and then aggressively pulls the ECFW World Heavyweight Champion up to his feet and sets him up for the Union Jack, but
Aric drops to his knees and low blows “The Icon”!
The crowd cheers again.
Owen Nelson: Low blow!
Gladiator is crouched over and Aric Hart grabs the 2X4 wrapped
with barbed wire and stands to his feet.
FACE OF GLADIATOR! Knocking Gladiator off of his feet, and causing even more blood to flow from his scalp.
Crowd: Ooohhh!
“Big” Ben Little: Gladiator ate some barbed wire!
Aric falls back to his knees because he is so weak. He is
dripping blood onto the mat, staining it even further.
Owen Nelson: This ring is covered in blood from these two
Aric Hart stands back up and pulls Gladiator up to his feet.
Aric sets Glad up for the Heart of Harts but Gladiator pulls
his head out from Aric’s legs and kicks Aric in his stomach and DDTS HIM INTO THE 2X4 WRAPPED WITH BARBED WIRE!!!
Crowd: OOOHHH!!!
“Big” Ben Little: Oh, God! A DDT into the 2X4
wrapped with barbed wire! Gladiator’s got this thing won now…he’s got to.
Gladiator falls back down to the mat in pain.
A few moments later he stands back up to his feet, barely
aware of what is going on, and he grabs the mic from Red Hairing’s hand.
Gladiator: “Aric, enough is enough, man. Give m back
my Belt! Give up NOW!”
Gladiator drops to his knees and holds the microphone up to
Aric’s mouth.
It takes him a few seconds to wake up and answer, but…
Aric Hart: “……….N-……NOOOO!”
Crowd cheers loudly.
Gladiator throws the microphone down in rage and frustration.
Owen Nelson: Aric Hart will just not give up!
Gladiator looks like he is running out of ideas.
He looks around and then goes out to ringside.
He reaches under the ring and pulls out a SLEDGE HAMMER.
The crowd stands to their feet, buzz in the air.
“Big” Ben Little: The famous Sledge Hammer. That
should finish Aric Hart off.
Gladiator brings it back into the ring with him.
Owen Nelson: If Aric Hart doesn’t already have a concussion,
which I am sure he does, he will after this.
Back in the blood-stained ring, Aric Hart is using the ropes
to struggle up to his feet.
Upon standing up, he stumbles around.
He turns around and Gladiator swings the Sledge Hammer for
his head but Aric ducks and kicks “The Icon” in his gut.
Aric picks up the Sledge Hammer which Gladiator has dropped,
and WHAM! Aric swings the Hammer into the gut of Gladiator, and Gladiator falls over, clutching his ribs in dire pain.
Crowd: Oohh!
“Big” Ben Little: Gladiator probably has broken
ribs now!
Aric Hart drops the Hammer and falls down to the canvas. He
rolls out of the ring.
Owen Nelson: What is the Champ doing now? If I were him I
would have asked Gladiator to quit after that shot to the ribs with the Sledge Hammer.
Out at ringside, the bloody World’s Champion reaches
under the ring and pulls out a bag.
“Big” Ben Little: Oh, man, I hope that what I
think is in there isn’t really in there…
Aric brings the bag into the ring with him.
Back in the ring, Aric Hart opens the bag and turns it upside
down, pouring hundreds of thousands of THUMBTACKS all over the ring!
Crowd erupts!
Owen Nelson: It is! Its thumbtacks! Thousands and thousands
of thumbtacks!
All of the tacks are now out of the bag and Aric tosses the
bag out of the ring.
The tacks are covering a good portion of the right side of
the ring.
“Big” Ben Little: These tacks are how last year’s
June Jam “I Quit” Match ended, if you can remember, Owen.
Owen Nelson: Oh I remember all right.
Gladiator is back up, holding his ribs in pain.
Aric scoops Gladiator up for a body slam onto the tacks but
Gladiator sides down from behind and Aric comes at “The Icon” to attack but Gladiator reverses Aric into a BACKBODY
Crowd: OOOOHHHH!!!!
“Big” Ben Little: Yes! Aric Hart goes back-first
into the tacks!
Gladiator turns around and looks down to see Aric Hart withering
in pain on the thousands of thumb tacks.
He rolls off of them onto his stomach on the cleared part
of the ring. Aric’s entire back is covered with Thumbtacks which are sticking into his spine!
The crowd gasps upon sight of the now-bloody back of the ECF^W
Owen Nelson: How sick is that!
Gladiator pulls Aric Hart up to his feet now, a few tacks
coming off of Hart’s back, and Gladiator sets Aric up for the Union Jack but Aric reverses “The Icon” into
a double-leg pickup and catapults Gladiator face-first into the top turnbuckle (getting blood onto it)!
Gladiator staggers back and walks into a kick to the stomach
Crowd: OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Big” Ben Little: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!
Owen Nelson: The Heart of Harts into the thumbtacks! Shades
of last year’s June Jam when Aric Hart did the same to Donny Downfall!
The crowd is still buzzing.
Gladiator is down and out face-first in the tacks.
“Big” Ben Little: Man oh man that’s got
to suck. If you thought Aric Hart’s back looked bad, just wait until you see a man’s already damaged face after
something like that…yikes.
Aric Hart is down on one knee.
He stands up and pulls Gladiator up off the tacks and Gladiator
collapses down onto the cleared part of the canvas.
Gladiator’s face is covered with tacks sticking all
round. On his chin, on both cheeks, on his forehead, the temples, around his eyes, some just missing the actual eye itself.
His chest and part of his stomach are also covered, and a few tacks on his legs.
Crowd gasps again.
Owen Nelson: What a site.
Aric Hart grabs the microphone from the referee’s hands
and raises it up to his mouth.
Aric Hart: “Gladiator, do the right thing you S.O.B.,
and quit.”
Aric gets down and holds the mic up to Gladiator’s bloody
and tack-filled face.
Gladiator is unable to answer; he is unconscious.
“Big” Ben Little: Thank God. I hate to admit it
but I think if Gladiator was conscious, he would have quit. Anybody would.
Owen Nelson: I agree with you on that, Ben.
Aric gives the mic back to the referee, an annoyed look on
the Champion’s face.
Aric Hart goes out to ringside and reaches under the ring.
He pulls out a Table.
The crowd is on the edge of their seat, a lot of them standing.
“Big” Ben Little: Not more tables…
Aric Hart slides the table into the ring via under the bottom
rope, and then Aric Hart slides in himself, tacks all over his back.
Owen Nelson: Aric Hart wants to finish the job.
Back in the ring, Aric Hart sets up the table near the thumbtacks.
The tacks are on one side of the table, while Gladiator’s limp body is one the other side.
Aric Hart gets down and grabs a bunch of tacks, a few sticking
in his hand.
“Big” Ben Little: He’s got a handful of
Aric puts them onto the set-up table.
The crowd begins to cheer and yell.
Owen Nelson: Oh my gosh…
Aric picks up another handful and drops them onto the table.
He picks a few tacks out of his hands.
“Big” Ben Little: That sadistic Aric Hart is putting
thumbtacks on that table.
Aric picks up another handful and puts them onto the table
again, and then picks the remaining tacks out of his hand, which now have tiny spots of blood on them.
Owen Nelson: That table is now covered with thumbtacks.
Aric spreads them out on the table so that the entire table
is covered with thumbtacks. They are spread all around, so that barely none of the actual wood of the table is visible. It
looks like a platform made of thumbtacks.
The crowd is standing, not a soul sitting.
“Big” Ben Little: This is going to be bad…
Aric picks out some more of the tacks from his hands.
Aric Hart sees that Gladiator is just now starting to move,
still down on his back, and Aric goes back out to ringside again.
Owen Nelson: What is he doing now???…
Out at ringside again, Aric Hart reaches under the table and
pulls out an 8-foot steel LADDER.
Crowd cheers upon site of the Ladder.
“Big” Ben Little: Good God what is he going to
do with a Ladder and a thumbtack-covered table? I am not liking this.
Aric Hart slides the table into the ring and then slide sin
Back in the ring, Aric Hart kicks some tacks out of the way
so that they are all in the corner of the ring, and Aric sets up the Ladder right next to the Table, which is covered in thumbtacks;
thousands of them. Nearly half of the tacks from the bag are on the table.
Owen Nelson: Get your cameras ready, people.
Aric Hart is finishing up his setup when he is suddenly low
blowed form behind by Gladiator!
Crowd boos
“Big” Ben Little: Aric Hart took his eyes off
of the challenger for a little too long.
Aric falls down to his knees, clutching his groin in pain.
Owen Nelson: “The Icon” is still in this thing,
believe it or not.
Gladiator picks some of the tacks out from his face so that
most of his face is clear, only a few tacks remaining. His face is bleeding even further.
Gladiator staggers up to his feet and picks up the Sledge
He looks down at the bloody Aric Hart and raises the Hammer
up, ready to strike the Champion.
“Big” Ben Little: Hit him, Icon…
Gladiator is about to do so when Aric’s wife KELLY GORGEOUS
HART runs down to the ring with a concerned look on her beautiful face.
Owen Nelson: Here comes Aric Hart’s concerned wife,
Kelly Gorgeous.
“Big” Ben Little: Here is the moment of truth…
Kelly is in the ring and she is pleading with Gladiator to
Gladiator lowers the Sledge Hammer and looks at Kelly.
Gladiator then takes his hand and shoves Kelly Gorgeous down
to the mat.
Crowd boos loudly.
Owen Nelson: Gladiator just put his hand son a woman! ON Kelly
Gorgeous! Are you happy, Ben? She is NOT the fifth member?
“Big” Ben Little: It certainly doesn’t appear
that way.
Gladiator kicks her out of the ring.
Gladiator turns his attention back to Aric Hart, who is struggling
up to his feet and Gladiator raises the Sledge Hammer again, ready to strike the ECFW World Champion.
This is when Aric’s brother KYVE HART runs down to the
Owen Nelson: Here comes another Hart! Aric Hart’s brother
Kyve is coming to help his brother and his sister-in-law!
Kyve Hart slides into the ring and grabs the Sledge Hammer
from Gladiator’s hands and starts yelling at him.
“Big” Ben Little: Get rid of him, Gladiator. He’s
just another Hart.
Aric Hart is up and Kyve and Gladiator are arguing.
Gladiator looks like he is about to punch Aric Hart’s
brother when Kyve Hart suddenly turns and KYVE HART NAILS ARIC HART IN THE SKULL WITH THE SLEDGE HAMMER!!!
The shocked crowd “OOOHHH”’s.
Owen Nelson: My God! A shot right to the bloody head of Aric
Hart by his own brother Kyve! What in the world was that?! Why did Kyve Hart knock out his own brother! Why?! I want to know
Kyve drops the Sledge Hammer onto his motionless brother Aric
Kyve and Gladiator look at each other and then smile and laugh.
The crowd starts booing like crazy.
Kyve Hart and Gladiator shake hands and then hug.
Trash begins to fill the ring.
“Big” Ben Little: Oh my gosh…Aric Hart’s
own brother Kyve Hart is the fifth member of The Elite Icons! He turned on his own flesh and blood! I don’t believe
what I am seeing!
Gladiator and the apparent leader of The Elite Icons, Kyve
Hart, release from their hug and Kyve Hart drags his lifeless, helpless, uncurious, bloody, betrayed brother Aric Hart up
and he pushes him into a kick to the gut followed by the UNION JACK BY GLADIATOR!!!
Owen Nelson: And now they are just going to beat on him. This
is disgusting.
Gladiator stands back up to his feet and he and the fifth
member Kyve Hart drag Aric Hart up again.
Gladiator starts to climb the very Ladder that Aric Hart set
up by the thumbtack-covered Table.
Gladiator is at the top of the Ladder and he yells down to
Aric’s brother Kyve.
“Big” Ben Little: Look at this…
Kyve Hart drags Aric Hart up and punches his brother hard
in the ribs.
Kyve then brings Aric over to the other side of the Ladder,
right in front of the Table, and Kyve picks Aric Hart up from behind (as if he were going to back suplex him) and lifts him
up to Gladiator, who is at the top of the Ladder.
Gladiator now has Aric Hart in the Powerbomb position thanks
to Kyve Hart, and Kyve steps out of the way at the bottom of the ladder.
Owen Nelson: Somebody stop this! Quick!
“Big” Ben Little: OH MY FREAKIN’ GOD!!!
During the Powerbomb from the top of the Ladder, Gladiator
came down on his feet on the mat as Aric Hart went through the table of tacks.
Owen Nelson: I don’t even know what to say after that.
Aric Hart is down and out through the spilt table with thumbtacks
down on the sides of Aric Hart in the caved table, most of the tacks under Aric in his back.
Kyve Hart and Gladiator look down at Aric Hart and then up
at each other and laugh, Gladiator’s face covered in blood with a few thumbtacks here and there.
“Big” Ben Little: That was the most heinous move
that I have ever seen in my entire life.
Owen Nelson: And top if off with Aric Hart’s own brother’s
The crowd is still buzzing after what they have just seen.
“Big” Ben Little: Man.
Gladiator tells Kyve Hart something.
Kyve nods and steps over into the corner that Aric Hart is
closet to, and Kyve reaches down into his pocket.
Kyve pulls out a white towel.
Owen Nelson: Don’t tell me he’s gonna…
Kyve looks at his fallen brother.
Kyve then lifts up his right hand, the hand that holds the
white towel, and Kyve Hart drops the towel onto Aric Hart.
“Big” Ben Little: He did it. He threw in the towel
for his brother.
The referee shrugs and calls for the bell.
Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner and NEW ECFW Champion, Gladiator!
The audience boos like crazy.
Owen Nelson: I agree with these 25,000 New Yorkers here in
Madison Square Garden, I don’t like this load of B.S. one single bit.
Referee Red Hairing hands the ECFW Title Belt over to Gladiator
and Gladiator raises it up in the air as the crowd boos some more.
Kyve Hart and Gladiator come to the center of the ring right
by the destroyed table with thumbtacks all round it and Aric Hart’s broken body in the center of it, and Kyve and the
new ECFW Champion hug again.
“Big” Ben Little: Kyve Hart stood in Aric Hart’s
corner and he threw in the towel, thus Gladiator wins the match. What a match it was indeed.
Owen Nelson: What a match? What a shocker.
As Gladiator and Kyve Hart are hugging, Gladiator getting
blood on Kyve’s shirt, the rest of The Elite Icons make their way down to the ring; Mr. Jones, Stephan Silverstone,
and John O’Neil.
“Big” Ben Little: They’re all here. Including
the fifth member, Aric Hart’s own brother, Kyve Hart.
Jones, Silverstone, and O’Neil are in the ring and all
five Elite Icons have a group hug in the center of the ring, right next to Aric Hart’s bloody, tack-filled body.
The crowd is booing like never before.
Owen Nelson: What a sick sight this is.
Out at ringside, Kelly Gorgeous Hart is down on her backside
and she looks into the ring at Kyve Hart hugging Gladiator and then at her husband through the table, and tears start to fill
her eyes.
“Big” Ben Little: Kyve Hart has turned his back
on the Hart family, and he doesn’t seem to care. He’s got a new family now, The Elite Icons.
Owen Nelson: An evil family.
The five Elite Icons: Kyve Hart, Gladiator, Mr. Jones, Stephan
Silverstone, and John O’Neil all stand over Aric Hart’s body and raise each other’s arms up in the air,
Gladiator in the center with his newly won Gold Belt over his shoulder.
Trash is filling the ring.
“Big” Ben Little: This will be a night talked
about for years to come. Not only for this match, but for the shocker of the year: The fifth member has been revealed.
They are all looking at Aric’s crying wife Kelly as
they hold each other’s hand sup in the air.
We get a close-up on Kyve Hart’s face, as he laughs
with a big smile on his face.
Owen Nelson: Kyve Hart is the fifth member.
Extreme Championship Fantasy Wrestling